Ladies & Gentlemen:
In January, Rick Roderick and Jim Pace asked me to make more effort to “speak to members.” As a first step, Sean Kutzko and Becky Schoenfeld commissioned a one-minute video promo released on our website and through our YouTube channel which
Becky dubbed 60-Second Century, a preview of the QST Magazine Second Century editorial’s content in the current month. Two weeks ago, Sean and I, along with ARRL’s contract videographer, Tony Tyson [shown in the attached photo] traversed
the New England Scenic Trail at 600 feet after a snowfall to make the below-linked video. Snow and ice-covered rock is no country for old men. But here it is. If these videos get some hits after a few months, we will sustain the effort and perhaps, more useful,
try the same thing for other publication topics. Hopefully, it helps place a human face on ARRL.
Gallagher 2/13/17
Tom Gallagher – NY2RF
Chief Executive Officer
ARRL Headquarters
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
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