A member has requested that the League consider writing an article for a major model-aeronautics magazine in response to the ever-increasing use of the amateur bands by unlicensed individuals for remote control of and return video from model aircraft. These incursions result from the marketing of control and video transmitters operating in the 70, 33, 23 and 5 cm Amateur bands with scant or no advisories as to the requirements for an Amateur Radio license to operate them. The goal of the article would be to educate modelers, particularly FPV (first-person view) enthusiasts, on the regulatory and insurance environment surrounding UAVs and encourage them to become licensed. As a preliminary step to possible preparation of a piece for publication, I want to find out whether any members of the Board family are active in the R/C and FPV area or know others who are. I am willing to co-author an article but would like to take advantage of any in-house expertise we have. Please contact me off-reflector if you have an interest in this issue and are willing to assist. 73, Marty N6VI