

Thanks for asking.


Dick’s slide is ABSOLUTELY NOT correct.  In fact, his entire presentation is fraught with errors, omissions, lies, slander, and disparagement. 


The lab has never stopped proving TIS support to members.  Ed Hare, who is fully retired, still works in the lab every week as a volunteer and can support the team with additional support.


Dick made NO EFFORT to reach out to me or to Ed Hare’s successor to ask about emails forwarded to directors re: TIS support.


Dick’s presentation was meant to, among other things, DISPARAGE me and members of my staff in the lab and editorial. 


If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll get them answered for you.








From: Phil Temples <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 1:36 PM
To: Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <>
Subject: ARRL technical assistance




Dick Norton presented a slide at Visalia claiming that Hq. no longer offers technical assistance from the Lab in the aftermath of Zach Lau's retirement. Is that correct?  


I'm presenting at a hamfest about ARRL this coming Sunday, and don't want to convey inaccurate information.


Phil, K9HI



Phil Temples <>