Dear Members of the ODV:




Juan Pablo Gonzalez

Administrative Assistant

ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®

225 Main Street

Newington, CT  06111

(860) 594-0220


From: Walters, Michael, W8ZY <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:59 AM
To: Gonzalez, Juan Pablo (JP), KC1RNY <>
Subject: Speakers Bureau


JP, Please forward this to ODV.







One of the projects underway is to create an ARRL Speakers Bureau. This has been a top for some time now and one in which many have interest. We are reaching out to ODV in the hopes of creating a cadre of core speakers as we progress with the build. With that in mind, I would ask the first simple question if you are interested in participating. Here are a few bullet points to get started and I am sure that many questions will follow.

  1. Speakers will be presented with a quality headshot, a short three sentence bio, and a short list of topics that that speakers is prepared to present. The emphasis is short.
  2. Speakers will be able to select if they are willing to present in person, with reasonable restrictions, and virtually.
  3. The site will ask the person hoping to book a speaker to fill out some basic information into an online form and you will have the ultimate choice if you wish to present.
  4. Recorded presentations will also be available in the Learning Center.

Bob Inderbitzen, Steve Goodgame, and I are working to get this off the ground. We are looking for speakers that at this time would be interested. There is a great deal to do, and we are working to make this a quality and usable resource.

If you are interested in being in the ARRL Speakers Bureau all that I need today is your interest. Drop me an email and I will add you to our core list.





Mike Walters, W8ZY

Field Services Manager

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®

225 Main Street

Newington CT 06111-1400
