Here is a message from Bob Inderbitzen.  The site will be “public” next week, but in the meantime, please do not pass this link to anyone outside of the Board and ARRL staff. 








Next week, we will launch the website for the ARRL National Centennial Convention (July 17-19, 2014). A live registration link will be suppressed until January…when we’ll begin to accept paid registrations for the event.


The site includes a significant amount of information about the convention:


·         Dates

·         Ticket Prices

·         Agenda

·         Hotel discounts and travel info

·         Exhibitor information

·         An appeal for volunteers and presentations


As additional information about the convention is committed, it will be added to this site.


To preview the site, visit


Shortly, the site will be linked to the following “official” web address:


Thanks to Magz Owczarska for her help populating the new registration site will all of this information.




Bob NQ1R