Hi to all, This was the first SSTV session (other than 2-3 tests) done through the ARISS Kenwood radio in the ISS Columbus Module. Earlier SSTV was via the Russian ISS segment. The Russian SSTV set-up developed a problem in late 2023; they hope to launch a replacement part this fall. So far, 57 images are posted on ARISS's SSTV Gallery -- see https://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php |
54 unique hams or space enthusiasts, 1 student at high school level or below, 5 educators high school level or below, 6 college or higher-level professors. Also |
Pictures of the event:
Preparing for the pass with their homebrewed antennas
Steve being interviewed by ABC News
Last minute checking on the pass
One of the TI2 participants being interviewed
NBC News setting up to interview Steve and the decoding of the images