Based on your responses to my inquiry about GMRS operation last month, I have sent the following response to the ARRL member making the suggestion. I thank those of you for your comments, and look forward to other possible ARRL policy discussions on this reflector. 73, Dick, N6AA ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Richard J Norton, N6AA <n6aa@arrl.org> Date: Fri, May 4, 2012 at 8:26 PM Subject: Re: License Requirement To: David Swann <dcspas@verizon.net> David, I have forwarded your suggestion to the ARRL directors, and we have discussed it by E-mail. Although the idea has some merit, I do not expect to attempt to start an ARRL effort to try to get the FCC to approve it. The reasons are: 1) Apparently this or similar ideas have been proposed before, and the FCC has not been receptive. The standard FCC argument used is that the nature and purposes of the two radio services are substantially different and that mixing the two would be to change or compromise, one or both of the separate purposes for the two radio services. They have taken this position consistently, and it is not believed that getting it through this time would be any different. 2) There is a proposal to the FCC from GMRS manufacturers to de-license the GMRS service. If this actually passes, any need for special treatment of Amateurs is moot. 3) A couple of ARRL directors expressed concern that having equipment capable of operating on both GMRS frequencies and Amateur Radio frequencies might subject our bands to intrusion from GMRS interlopers. Although I do not share their concerns, I note that it would not be an easy sell to even get the ARRL board behind the idea. 4) In a real emergency, it would be lawful to use a GMRS radio, but note that this does not permit practice drills without licenses. Thank you for your suggestion. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:37 AM, David Swann <dcspas@verizon.net> wrote:
Richard, just a thought... Dave S. (AD6WR)
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Henderson, Dan N1ND" <dhenderson@arrl.org> Date: April 11, 2012 5:37:09 PDT To: "David Swann" <dcspas@verizon.net> Subject: RE: License Requirement
Hi David
Anything like FCC rule proposals must be determined by the ARRL Board of Directors. You should be in contact with the Director for your Division.
Dan Henderson, N1ND Regulatory Information Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio 860-594-0236 dhenderson@arrl.org
-----Original Message----- From: David Swann [mailto:dcspas@verizon.net] Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 2:09 PM To: reginfo Subject: License Requirement
Need a possible regulation change to allow Licensed Amateurs the legal use of General Mobile Radio Service equipment and Frequencies. There are many Quality GMRS transceiver available and this capability would allow Amateurs the ability to communicate with the general public on Family Radio Service, (FRS) and GMRS frequencies during emergencies. Once the regulations modified, channels could be assigned for monitoring and contact during emergencies. This would provide another link to emergency services for the average citizen with amateur radio or public service provider.
This needs to be in place before an emergency and not wait until an emergency to implement.
Another Free Service Provided to the Public at No Cost, By Amateur Radio. Am I missing something, or does this make sense?
David C. Swann , AD6WR Mbr. ID 0010070859