Tonight I gave a presentation at a local engineering (IEEE) group. I’ve been trying to show up at these now and again as I want to see if I can get them to help promote ham radio and the ARRL. I was quite surprised that a lot of engineers did not know much about ham radio. I had to explain to them about how we do things. These are engineers who are veterans of bell labs and similar. Explaining how the engineer’s creed matches some aspects of the amateur’s code did resonate with them. I showed them qex and qst and some of the topics we cover. At work I also have a hard time explaining ham radio. We work on high tech like blockchain and cloud computing all day, yet ham radio is a foreign language to most of my colleagues. I’m wondering now if we take a lot of our “base” for granted. A lot of otherwise technically savvy people seemingly unaware of ham radio. And yes one of whom I met tonight was a technician licensee who is now going to try to get on the air. Ria N2RJ -- Ria Jairam, N2RJ Director, Hudson Division ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™ +1.973.594.6275 https://hudson.arrl.org n2rj@arrl.org