Good afternoon,
More good news on the Endowment front. This afternoon we received the proceeds from the estate of Benjamin Poinsett, K3BP. The proceeds from the IRA at T. Rowe Price total $99,090.37 which will be transferred to the Treasurer to be included in the ARRL Endowment.
This bequest brings the total estate gifts received in 2010 to $1,222,801 from the following estates...
Gendle $115,058
Coss $3,000
Maier $3,000
Anshus $2,653
Mathias $1,000,000
Poinsett $99,090
Total Rec’d $1,222,801
Mary K1MMH
Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH
Chief Development Officer
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™
Telephone: 860-594-0397
Fax: 860-594-0259