IN-Newsletter Vol. 26, No. 41 October 15, 2003 Upcoming Meetings November 8th in Dallas, TX at 8:30am Volunteer Resources Committee November 9th in Dallas, TX at 8:30am Executive Committee November 21st in Newington, CT Division Election Ballot Counting Development The Special Spectrum Defense Fund campaign has reached $297,580 from 5418 donors with an average contribution of $54.92. Contributions continue to come in, but at a slower pace. The Honor Roll on the development website now recognizes more than 140 clubs and organizations that have supported this campaign financially....and donations are still coming in. The Diamond Club renewals have begun to bear fruit, resulting in a 42% renewal rate for the first few weeks. In all, 128 renewal commitments have been received with an average contribution of $245 -- substantially higher than the $136 average last year. The rolling renewal process is designed for each participant to receive 2 renewal requests from Development prior to the Diamond Club expiration date. If the donor does not renew, they go back into the Circulation renewal process. The Education & Technology Program has topped the $100,000 mark. Unfortunately, two grant requests have been declined. Many corporations and foundations are not funding projects that are new to them. Project Director Mark Spencer is working on a "state of the program" report to identify possible remedial directions and new program elements to focus our grant requests moving forward. Development Assistant Debra Johnson has spent four days in intensive ACCESS training with an eye to managing Development information and reporting processes more efficiently. Media Relations Jennifer completed a JOTA news release and shared it with members of the League's PR reflector. The release has also been added to the news release archives on the PR page. She also worked individually with several members who had questions about their upcoming JOTA media efforts. The Washington Post article recently mentioned in "In News" was published over the weekend. It can be found at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A11411-2003Oct11.html Jennifer thanked the reporter for a job well-done, and asked if he'd like to be added to ARRL's news release distribution list. Jennifer worked with a Citizen's Corp staffer who is working on the upcoming "Volunteers in Homeland Security Conference" in Austin, Texas. We provided brochures, copies of QST and the Amateur Radio Today video for the event. President Haynie will be on hand during the conference to represent ARRL and ham radio. "Media Hits" were submitted to Rick Lindquist for inclusion in December's "Happenings" column. Production/Editorial Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 22, No 40, went out to 66,757, ARRL member subscribers on Friday, Oct 10, up by 172 from a week earlier and up by 1545 since Jan 1, 2003. Rick developed stories on 73 magazine ceasing publication, the death of Danny Weil, ex-VP2VB, and seven more Morse-related petitions for rule making going on public notice. He edited stories relating to broadcasting and BPL (tnx Dave Sumner), the USS Constitution special event (tnx Bob Callahan, W1QWT), FCC continuing 10-meter intruder push (tnx Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG, and Riley Hollingsworth) and the premature termination of the Annobon Island DXpedition (tnx The Daily DX/Bernie McClenny, W3UR). He also edited several Web briefs and the Solar Update, as well as Stan Horzepa's Surfin' column. Rick voiced, produced and edited ARRL Audio News with voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, N1TDY. Joel Hallas submitted the December QST Product Review column for composition. Stu Cohen selected technical articles for the January 2004 issue as he works with authors of December articles to bring them into final form. Sales & Marketing Responses to our BPL membership campaign are quickly accumulating. The response card featured an additional line where a joining member could also make a contribution. To date, this membership mailing yielded $1,910 in additional contributions. Work continues procuring advertising commitments for December QST and layout for the issue is well underway. Alan Cohen has provided corrections for the advertising invoicing tabulation process. Deb Jahnke is currently testing the changes. New editions of the ARRL Handbook (soft and hardcovers), ARRL Handbook CD, and ARRL Antenna Book have been received at the warehouse. This week, ARRL publication dealers will be stocked with the new items in advance of the October 20th worldwide release date for these publications. Following dealer stocking, individual pre-orders will be fulfilled. We're delighted with the large response to the coordinated product rollout that has generated many orders that include both the Handbook and Antenna Book products. To date, close to 200 customers have taken advantage of the special offer that includes a $10 gift certificate with the purchase of a 2004 Handbook and new Antenna Book. Earlier this year, ARRL entered into a membership recruitment test program with ICOM America. The test program was vastly different from our traditional recruitment methods, with mutually beneficial goals for both parties: increasing ARRL membership and increasing ICOM's visibility. The program was introduced at the 2003 Dayton Hamvention and ran through August 15, 2003. To date, the program has been responsible for the recruitment of 139 new and lapsed members. Deb Jahnke, Bob Inderbitzen and Dennis Motschenbacher teamed-up to produce a report evaluating the pilot program this week. The Fall/Winter edition of the ARRL Publications Catalog left for press this week. The following new publications are now available for ordering via the ARRLWeb: AMSAT 21st Space Symposium--2003 http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9108; Microwave Update 2003 http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9094; 22nd ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference--2003 http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9086 Rob Flickenger's new edition of Building Wireless Community Networks (2nd Edition) became available in September. ARRL has stocked copies of the book to resell. The item is available via the ARRLWeb: http://www.arrl.org/catalog/?item=9147. The book had been recommended by the ARRL HSMM Working Group. Bob Inderbitzen prepared material for the covers of the revised edition of the ARRL Technician Class Video Course. We may soon stock the upcoming, new edition of Ferrell's Confidential Frequency List. Bob is presently communicating with the publisher on a wholesale business arrangement. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS Certs. (650 QSLs F/C) 13 WAS Certs. (450 QSLs ES/C) 9 WAC Certs. (84 QSLs ES/C) 14 LTMA Inquiries 2 A-1 Op. Noms. 2 A-1 Op. Certs. 1 VUCC Initial Apps. 6 Grids 654 VUCC End. Apps. 2 Grids 284 Awards Mailed 61 Processing Status: Current or up to four weeks. For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, WAS Specialty, RCC, and OTC awards, order engraved plates for 5BWAS plaques, mail out awards processed this week, and enter the awards-issued information for the latest batch of LTMA recipients into their Siebel records. Contest Branch The 2003 Field Day article was finished with tables and photos and sent to Production. The draft of the 2003 June VHF Results was received from the author and is being worked on for photos and tables. Data entry for 2003 September VHF QSO Party paper entries continued. Plates for the 2003 DX Contest plaques were received and shipping forms were prepared. A PowerPoint presentation for the Mid-Atlantic States VHF Conference was prepared and N1ND attended the conference over the weekend. At the conference, numerous suggestions were received and floated among the participants in regard to the current VHF study. A report will be prepared and sent to the members of the committee. DXCC Branch For the week of: October 12, 2003 Beginning Cards 202,337 Cards Received 26 Cards Processed 9,528 Ending Cards 192,835 Applications Pending 1,828 Processing Time 7.2 Weeks Year-to-date (2003) Cards Received 544,133 Cards Returned 563,843 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on August 21, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on September 1, 2003. Comparison between 2002 and 2003 apps received for the period Oct 1 through Sep 30: Numbers for October 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002 APPS CARDS 7,012 740,637 Numbers for October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003 APPS CARDS 5,950 646,832 September 2002 work received APPS CARDS 2,130 196,725 September 2003 work received APPS CARDS 1,421 142,590 QSL Bureau QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 10/12/03: 1,141,825. Cards mailed on 10/10/03: 54,775. W1AW Thanks to Mark Spencer, WA8SME for operating W1AW in the PA QSO Party. He made 83 QSOs on 40 meters. Joe updated the web code practice files. He also processed regular W1AW QSL card requests as well as certificates for the W1AW/1 special event operation. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of October. He worked the early afternoon shift on Friday for a vacationing Joe Carcia. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot. W1AW Telephone Sales year to date (2003): $26,803. Field & Educational Services We express our sympathy and condolences to Rosalie White and family on the passing of Rosalie's father, Roland White. Field Organization/Public Service Team Steve Ewald prepared the Public Service column for December QST. He also heard from Bob Solomon, K7HLN, ARES Emergency Coordinator in Lewis and Clark County, Montana, who wrote the following: "The US Forest Service and Helena area businesses and organizations held an appreciation picnic for firefighters, law enforcement officers, and community volunteers who assisted with fire fighting efforts in [Montana] this summer." Around 300 people attended the October 7 event including the Montana Governor, staff of the congressional delegation, County Commissioners and representatives of several agencies. "Amateur radio's support of Red Cross and other agencies during the fires was recognized, as well," Bob said." The combination of inter-agency cooperation, application of sound incident command principles, and outstanding community support made the complex fire suppression efforts work. It was a good feeling to be included with the many organizations and volunteers and to be accepted as contributing to the over-all effort." Chuck Skolaut and Steve were in touch with Official Observer Coordinators, Official Observers and Section Managers to encourage them to listen to 10 meters and report unlicensed operations. This effort is in response to the FCC's monitoring request that began last spring and continues until the end of this month. A news story for the ARRL Web on this topic was also prepared. As an update, Chuck heard that the interference to Fuji-OSCAR 29's uplink frequency has stopped. Monthly Field Organization Appointee reports were generated and e-mailed to Section Managers. Leona Adams sent over 30 initial-supply packages to new Field appointees and worked with SMs on their section expense reports. Regulatory Information John Hennessee is updating the ARRL VC and VCE referral databases and is collecting additional information for their record. He assisted people with covenant restriction concerns in Albuquerque, NM (AD5PA), Georgetown, SC (W4GTN) and Hilton Head, SC (W3OJS). Field & Education Support Team Margie Bourgoin sent reminder letters out to clubs who have not yet updated their club records. She sent one new club out for Director approval. Margie also processed one new SSC application and forwarded another one on for approval. She also assisted several instructors with orders for upcoming classes. She reports 10 new entries to the Youth Sked database ahead of JOTA activities. Margie also notified several Educational Advisors that renewal time is here. Linda Mullally updated 42 clubs, with 1 reactivation. She registered 11 Instructors, and sent out 11 Exhibit kits and 3 JOTA Kits. She completed the F&ES Monthly Revenue Report, Inventory and Video Inventory reports noting September's revenue to be: $3603.72. Jean Wolfgang is working with Tom Hogarty to have the National JOTA report available online before JOTA weekend (October 18-19) and continues to field JOTA questions. She also submitted the QST Kids Day article. Last weekend Jean participated in the California QSO Party contest from Hammonasset State Park during ScoutShow 2003. Several hundred Scouts learned about Morse code, making contacts, QSL cards, etc. A scheduled contact with the New Hampshire Jamboree was a success when some CT Scouts spoke with NH Scouts at a similar event there. Gail Iannone sent 8 hamfest approval letters and 1 convention approval letter to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the events to be "ARRL-sanctioned", processed 9 door prize orders, 4 label requests, sent 7 handout packages for upcoming events, and sent a Wouff Hong supply package for the ceremony to be performed at the Pacific Division Convention being held October 17-19, 2003 in San Ramon, CA. She also coordinated travel for Dan Miller, K3UFG, to be the HQ rep at the Indiana State Convention (November 15-16, 2003 in Fort Wayne) and the Southeastern Division Convention (February 13-15, 2004 in Orlando, FL). Mary Lau reviewed the club affiliation documents for three Category 1 clubs in New Jersey, Utah, and Virginia, respectively. Mary also issued an e-ballot for voting on a Foundation General Fund grant and worked with Linda Mullally on a Club Survey. Mary started the distribution of a 2nd batch of multimedia submissions that will be reviewed by Jean Wolfgang, Dan Miller, Maria Somma, Mark Simcik, Dave Patton, and Mike Gruber through the review period ending December 15th. Amateur Radio Education and Technology Project Mark Spencer began a comprehensive review of the progress of the Project program to date. Telephone interviews have begun with each of the Project schools to gather data which will be the basis of the review. The first ASM for educational outreach was designated in the OK section. Their responsibilities will be to pitch the Project and educational outreach in the OK section. This past week NARL voted to donate $900 to the activity board concept. This funding will complete the circuit board development and procurement. Approximately $3700 remains for complete funding of the concept (to put 50 activities boards and test equipment into classrooms). EmComm Grants Jerry Ellis reports that he conducted mentor volunteer recruiting for 10/21 opening of Level I EmComm course and posted refund checks, ID cards, and Grant refund checks for last weeks' graduates in the mail. Pre- registration class candidates were notified of Level 2's registration opening and work continues on updating Field Exam material packages. VEC Department As reported on the ARRLWeb, the VEC Department congratulates its own Maria Somma and Pete Warner on earning their Technician class Amateur Radio licenses. Henceforth, effective September 29, 2003, be it known that Maria is now KB1KJC and Pete Warner is KB1KJB. Maria and Pete were joined in classes and their exams by John Proctor of the Information Services Department, who became KB1KJA as a result of the same test session. Congratulations Maria, Pete and John! Question Pools - The ARRL question pool working group of Larry Wolfgang, Perry Green and Bart Jahnke are nearing completion of their first pass review of the Element 3 General class question pool now under review. Work will be completed by the scheduled December 1, 2003, updated pool release date. 73, Sincerely, Mark Wilson, K1RO Chief Operating Officer MW:lk Staff Absentee List All Staff 11/27-11/28 Holiday Jennifer Hagy 11/3 Vacation Dave Hassler 10/17-10/19 AMSAT Space Symposium Annual Meeting, Toronto `` 10/23-10/24 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 11/6-11/7 Training Rick Lindquist 10/30-11/7 Vacation Dan Miller 10/23-10/24 Hamfest, Mnpls/St. Paul, MN Bob Inderbitzen 10/17 Vacation Mark Spencer 10/30-10/31 ARRL GA Section Convention/Big Project School visit Rosalie White 10/28-10/31 Vacation/ARRL Michigan State convention Scott Gee 10/15-10/17 Vacation Wayne Mills 10/17 W0DXCC Convention Bob Inderbitzen 10/17 Vacation Martin Cook 10/24-10/28 Vacation