One for the ARRL Board legal scholars: I have a situation and debate going on in Idaho at the moment. A known militia group (Ammon's Army, the armed group led by Ammon Bundy that took over the Malheur wildlife refuge in Oregon a few years ago), has apparently been using a repeater that belongs to the Voice of Idaho radio club for "training exercises". These are supposedly licensed amateurs, and I have not idea what "training" means. The club has been closely monitoring their repeaters, and it appears on the surface that what the group is doing does not break any FCC rules. The question came us as to what the legal definition of the word "facilitate" in the FCC rules really means. If a group uses a club's repeater to "train", then in the end commits a crime as a result of that training, are the club and it's members legally liable as the "facilitator" of the training ? 73; Mike W7VO