Regarding this article, I have to ask, does the ARRL have any journalistic
interrogatory in it's news department?
This article states ARDC sold off unused IP addresses, this is not the case,
they were in active use. The IP's sold were for non-US use, but this was sold
to benefit only US users.
No one questioned ARDC for the amount they received, or questioned their
intent for keeping it secret. Amazon was the buyer, why not state this?
ARDC is not the owner of these IP address, merely the custodian of them. ARDC
was established in 2011, a full 30 years after the grant was made to "amateur
radio digital communications" in RFC790
There is no mention of the three active complaints with ARIN regarding this
fraudulent transaction.
Had your reporters consulted even Wikipedia, some much needed questions could
be asked. This is shirking the responsibility of being a news source.
This entire article reads like the ARRL is condoning the behavior of ARDC.
It's the view of many in the community that ARDC is acting in bad faith, and
likely is in violation of the laws, and policies of the University of
California. The ARRL news organization has a responsibility to let people
know the disputes regarding this this funding and the several formal fraud
complaints pending against it. This is so anyone in a position to accept an
ARDC grant can make a judgement.
I would appreciate a response and follow up from the ARRL news organization in
this matter.
Thank you,
Bryan Fields
727-409-1194 - Voice