The Executive Committee has asked me to remind everyone that the meeting schedule for this coming July is slightly different than usual. In accordance with the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Planning Committee that were accepted by the Board at Minute 40 of the January meeting, on Thursday, July 17, the Officers, Directors, and staff officers will be involved in a full-day Leadership Development Seminar with Bud Crouch of Innovations Plus. The Board meeting activities will begin that evening with the group dinner and informal session, with the Board Meeting to be called to order on Friday morning and continuing on Saturday as usual. Thus, the travel days for Officers and Directors are Wednesday, July 16 (arrival) and Sunday, July 20 (departure). The travel days for Vice Directors are Thursday, July 17 (arrival) and Sunday, July 20 (departure). It will not be possible for the standing committees and other committees to meet in July immediately prior to the Leadership Development Seminar and Board Meeting, i.e. on Wednesday. There are two reasons. First, past experience has shown that it is unwise to try and do too much at one meeting; this is one of the reasons why our most recent effort at strategic planning failed. Second, because the Vice Directors will not arrive until Thursday it would not be possible for Vice Director members to participate in a Wednesday committee meeting. As a further reminder, the Officers, Directors, and staff officers will be holding a two-day Strategic Planning Session in St. Louis on September 13-14. This is not a Board Meeting per se, and no regular business will be transacted. 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary