Greetings. Now here is something interesting. FCC announced today in its releases and on the front of its web page that it has signed an MOU with NTIA dealing with spectrum management. You will recall that one of the things we urged FCC to do in our SPTF comments filed this past Monday was to coordinate their activities. While it would be nice to think we had some influence on this, of course we didn't. However, it is gratifying that FCC and NTIA will, from now on, "resolve technical, procedural, and policy differences by consensus wherever possible."
Of course, a cynic might think that this was done just to head off Congress, and Senator Burns's office, with which Derek Riker from Chwat's office and I met yesterday to look for a carrier bill for our Spectrum Protection Act, is apparently ready to hit both agencies pretty hard in his Spectrum Management bill.
PDF File attached.
73, Chris W3KD