Discussion before meeting, as requested -
1) I think the letter to Trump is good. If it successful, that obviates much of what follows.
2) The report contains a lot of details about specific meetings with congresspersons and staffs.
What I would like to see is an executive summary of where we stand, put together by the committee, not only independently self-generated personal assessments by each of us Directors garnered from reading published meeting details. What is the best estimate of passing this legislation in 2020? 2021? 2022? Is it greater than 0%?
Looking at the meeting details, particularly those in Keelan's section, it appears that things don't look very promising.
3) The League has been pursuing this for around thirty years. Every few years, a new lobbying team takes on the role of David, battling against the evil HOA-Goliath. Yes, it may appear that certain visits with congresspersons are well received, but what is the overall big picture? Are we likely to prevail with this legislation?
4) I have not seen much self-initiated member-demand for this from the Southwestern Division membership. The Southwestern Division has the second highest number of HOAs, behind only the Southeastern Division. The one member that brought it up with me has been inactive for the last five or ten years, and passed away recently. To be honest, there may have been another from Arizona, but I'm actually not certain.
At almost all ARRL Forums in the past few years, I've asked two questions:
a) Which of you live in an HOA-governed area?
b) Which of that group are on the air, either with HOA permission or with a concealed antenna?
In all cases, over 90% of those living under HOAs that responded to the first question, are on the air, somehow or other
Almost all HOA-restricted hams I've encountered understand that they have made a conscious trade-off in their residence choice, and accept living there.
5) As I've said before, I think it would likely be useful to try to work with CAI, playing on their claim that "most HOAs allow antennas." This could be done in parallel with whatever lobbying efforts are proceeding, up to
a time when we agree to cease lobbying for governmental restrictions on their powers.
a) I suggest producing a small book titled something like Working Together with Your HOA on Antennas. The book could document many successful antenna installations with plenty of photos and document processes of successful cooperation.
In addition to showing actual existing HOA-approved installations, the book might also present the half-dozen or so "safe-harbor" antenna types discussed by one of our Directors.
b) Then, ARRL should take a draft of the book to CAI management and ask CAI to edit or comment on it. The end result should result in national-CAI approving the book. Then HOA-bound hams could give copies of the book to their local HOA, with their message that most all HOAs allow ham radio antennas, and here's a book showing what your national organization recommends.
Incentive for CAI to work with Amateur Radio could be that we not continue our legislative effort if they agree to promote the book's contents.
After thirty years, our lobbying efforts alone do not seem to be resulting in our desired outcome.
Interfacing with government, and distributing knowledge of who we are, and what we do, is good. This can happen, with or without lobbying against HOAs.
Dick, N6AA