As of last Friday we are in the "campaign period" for Director or Vice Director in the Atlantic, Delta, Great Lakes, and Midwest Divisions. Accordingly, the following policy applies: "In any League election, during the campaign period (the period from the deadline for receipt of nominating petitions for Director and Vice Director until the day ballots are due) any mass communication at League expense in whole or in part, dealing with any candidate in any way or issued by a candidate, League or Section official in the Division of the candidate, shall be approved by the Executive Committee prior to the issuance of such communications. The Executive Committee shall deny approval of any communication, which in its opinion, reasonably might affect the outcome of such election." This policy applies to electronic as well as to printed communications. The ARRL privacy policy prohibits the release of members' email addresses to third parties, including candidates for office. David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary