Vol. 36, No. 43
November 6, 2013 -- Covers the period October 27-November2.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Director/Vice Director Elections
November 15
LoTW Study Committee
November 15 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
November 16 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD
We are pleased to welcome Edward Seeliger, KD5M as Maxim Society member #135.
Development is working with Membership on several new promotions to encourage ARRL members to step up to the Diamond Club level, as well as end of year solicitations.
The ARRL Foundation has been open to accepting scholarship applications since October 1, 2013. To date we have received more than 30 applications. Scholarship applications will be accepted until February 1,
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Product Review
Bob Allison completed testing of a rather high priced, high performance HF/VHF transceiver. The transceiver’s data table is the longest ever compiled for QST’s Product Review. The data table, along
with data charts and an observations document were passed along to the Product Review Editor and the manufacturer. There were some issues found during testing and Bob is waiting to hear back from the manufacturer.
Bob also started testing of a two band, Arduino based HF QRP Transceiver; the first of its kind ever tested in the Lab for Product Review.
The Lab’s primary spectrum analyzer is back at the Lab, with a new calibration sticker from Agilent, just in time for critical Product Review testing; good news, indeed!
Mike Gruber started working on a report for Kermit Carlson on Commonwealth Edison power line noise cases in Illinois.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Diane Petrilli reports that October ended with 161,612 members—the highest membership total since dues increased from $34 to $39 in 2001. This is a gain of 669 members over October, and 1,104 members over our
year-to-date goal. 71% of October 2013 expirees paid on time (vs. 73% last October).
The next membership mailing will be sent on November 13.
Jackie Ferreira reports that October product sales were $374,185. Direct sales were $241,281.54; dealer sales were $132,904. The month’s sales forecast was $546,559, but a significant amount of the shortfall
is associated with fulfillment of the new ARRL Centennial Edition 2014 Handbook. Due to the lag time between receiving orders from members and fulfilling personalized books, a considerable amount of these sales have shifted into the months of November
and December. Handbook sales continue to be very brisk—and already another 2,600 orders have accumulated for future fulfillment.
A recent staff departure has created a position vacancy in our team of Member Service Representatives. The full-time position has been posted.
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa):
Week of |
Packages fulfilled |
Member Premiums |
10/28/2013 |
939 |
626 |
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch |
Credits |
Applications |
2012 Carryover |
112,095 |
1,170 |
2013 Received |
1,030,309 |
11,118 |
Cumulative Total |
1,142,404 |
12,288 |
2013 Processed |
1,121,897 |
12,070 |
Remaining |
20,507 |
218 |
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time |
2 Weeks |
Logbook Processing Time |
3-5 Business Days |
Logbook of the World
Category |
Oct 2013 |
QSO Records Entered Into System |
531,158,049 |
QSL Record Matches |
77,675,504 |
Logs Processed |
4,888,611 |
Active Certificates |
91,345 |
Registered Users in System |
60,723 |
Logbook Inquiries |
Oct 2013 |
Emails |
1,239 |
Phone Calls |
185 |
Total |
1,424 |
Workers from Ideal Fence Company (New Britain, CT) were on hand this past Wednesday to replace the fencing around the Center, Satellite and South towers, as well as the Center tower’s guy wires, with new black
vinyl coated chain-link fence. They also installed new gates on the tower fences.
Joe processed regular QSL card requests. He updated the web code practice files as well as the W1AW and West Coast Qualifying Run web schedules. Joe processed two Qualifying Run certificates and two endorsements.
He also created the texts for the W1AW November Qualifying Runs. Joe assembled and ran coaxial lines to connect the 2 meter and 70cm satellite antennas in W1HQ to the radio equipment being used for satellite work. He configured the W1AW MARS station to receive
digital transmissions in preparation for a New England region MARS exercise. In the week prior, Joe conducted some final testing on four new Eaton/Cutler-Hammer arc-fault breakers.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
One radio amateur from Virginia successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this week. Regional OOs were alerted to monitor for lack of proper identification noted on a 75 meter frequency
and a constant carrier was noted on 3501.68 kHz. The FCC is following up on continued reports of a station operating outside of his license class privileges.
Chuck Skolaut received documentation from an Ohio amateur regarding an operation on 10 meters by an unlicensed operator. The information was forwarded to the FCC. A number of reports were received regarding
operation by licensed amateur as well as non-hams in the free band portion of the band above the normal CB band and the FCC is being made aware of this.
Steve Ewald has been preparing to attend the All Ohio ARES Conference in Columbus. Matt Welch, W8DEC, the Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator and a team of other Ohio Section Leaders have arranged an interesting
agenda and schedule of activities for the all day event.
Tennessee Section Manager election ballots continue to arrive. Ballots are due at ARRL Headquarters by Friday, November 15, and the counting of the ballots is scheduled for the following Tuesday (November 19).
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 11/28-11/29 Holiday
Leona Adams 11/7-11/8 PTO
Bob Allison 11/7-11/8 PTO
Steve Capodicasa 11/8 PTO
`` 11/25-11/27 PTO
Joe Carcia 11/27pm PTO
`` 12/13 PTO
`` 12/30 PTO
Lauren Clarke 11/27 PTO
`` 12/26 PTO
Steve Ewald 11/8-11/9 ARES Conference, Columbus, OH
Scott Gee 11/11 PTO
`` 12/23-12/27 PTO
Mike Gruber 11/8 PTO
Dan Henderson 11/8-11/9 Hamjam, Atlanta, GA
`` 11/14-11/17 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN
Harold Kramer 11/9 Atlantic Division Convention Webinar
Lisa Kustosik 11/8-11/27 PTO
Maryann Macdonald 11/21-11/22 PTO
`` 12/24-12/31 PTO
Dave Sumner 11/8-11/10 Midwest Division Convention, Lebanon, MO
Sharon Taratula 12/24 PTO