All -- An email from a friend in my Division (and section) about Wayne Mills, and my response. FYI... 73, Brian, N5ZGT ARRL Vice-Director, Rocky Mountain Division ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 20:57:16 -0700 (MST) From: Brian Mileshosky <n5zgt@swcp.com> To: Earl Needham <needhame1@plateautel.net> Cc: ws7w@arrl.org, n5zgt@arrl.org, km5ft@arrl.org Subject: Re: Something's up and I don't know what Earl -- I'm not speaking for Rev WS7W, but am replying just cause I'm at the computer now. Programs such as LOTW do not rise or fall because of ARRL staff. The ARRL board determines the policies of the League, which are then carried out by the Headquarters staff. There is no talk of relieving the LOTW program amongst the Board. It is the board -- 15 directors across the country elected by the membership -- that would make such a decison, not a single staff member who is employed at HQ. 73, and thanks for your continued involvement in our wonderful hobby and service! Brian, N5ZGT ARRL Vice-Director, Rocky Mountain Division On Mon, 1 Jan 2007, Earl Needham wrote:
Hey guys, I want to drop a quick note here -- I've seen some BIG rumblings and grumblings on one of the DX mailing lists, to the effect of N7NG resigning and thus causing the Logbook of the World and the DXCC programs to be in jeopardy. I want to go on record saying that I LIKE both programs and I sincerely hope nothing is going on to cause them to be in danger of going away.
One of the problems here is that we (the general ham population) are not given enough information to form an opinion on either side of an issue, but from the sound of it, there are some personal problems between people in Newington and those problems are about to start affecting us all. Let's try to keep that from happening.
OK, that's the bad part of this email.
Now for the GOOD part -- at least, I think it's good!
I just sent in the paperwork to become a VE. I felt I was treated badly by a VE team some 20 years ago, so I had decided to never have anything to do with the VE program. Having upgraded last June, I still felt that way. Recently, I saw several emails from people that are so unhappy with the discontinuance of the CW testing requirement that they are going to turn in their VE accreditation. I'm thinking that will hurt ham radio more than anything else ever could, so I have made the application. Let's hope others do the same. (Aside to Brian -- WWW is part of my decision! <G>)
Now, let's not get too hasty, but if things work out with the VE program and myself, perhaps I can start taking some role in the Field Organization at some point in the future. We'll have to see what my truck driving schedule does with that one.
Happy New Year to all! 7 3 Earl
KD5XB Clovis, New Mexico DM84jk http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cw_bugs "Just say NO to DHL"