So have the stars aligned and Dick Norton is now joining forces with Ted Rappaport? :)

Ria, N2RJ

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 4:57 PM Richard J. Norton <> wrote:
Topanga Anti-Smart-Electric-Meter Lady expands quest to protect us from life-threatening radio waves -

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Liz, Peoples Initiative News <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 1:37 PM
Subject: Erin Brokovich Firm Joins Citizens Lawsuit Against 5G

Dear Friends,

Due to the imminent threat 5G poses not just to us and all life on earth, but also to our democracy (5G will enable IoT, self driving cars, home surveillance in real time, etc., etc.), we are suing the FCC and also naming the ADA and Telecom Act which prohibits environmental effects from blocking antennas and towers but has been interpreted by governments and courts to also include health, meaning you cannot use health effects as reason to block a cell antenna or tower.  This is despite the US National Toxicology Programs findings of clear evidence of statistically significant carcinogenic effects from wireless radiation emitting devices and infrastructure.  The FCC and Telecom Act are basically mandating the exposure to a known carcinogen, neurotoxin and genotoxin.  We believe this to me immoral let alone illegal.  And so we are finally taking legal action against the FCC and Telecom Act.  We also may be adding other violations to this suit. 

We have who we believe to be the #1 attorney in the US for blocking cell towers and antennas in the US (we have used him twice successfully to block towers in our area). But the really exciting news is that since this attorney is in NY and we are in California, we had to partner with a CA law firm, so we have partnered with none other than the law firm from the film Erin Brokovich!  This is the firm that sued PG&E for poisoning families, lying to them about it and giving them cancer and they beat PG&E!   

Please watch our video from our Go Fund Me campaign for this lawsuit. I have also pasted it below in case there are any issues with the above Go Fund Me link.  I KNOW we are going to win this lawsuit...we have assembled the absolute "dream team" of attorneys for this important legal action.  Please donate to this lawsuit. Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law, as we are a 501c3 non profit.  We also do not take a salary at Peoples Initiative, so 100% of your donations will go directly to attorneys fees and our bank statements are an open book to any serious donor over $1000 who would like to look at them.  Please spread this email and Go Fund Me Campaign far and wide!  We need to and will WIN this lawsuit but not without your help!  THANK YOU!



The difference with this lawsuit and the one from the Erin Brokovich film is that one was a toxic tort against a company for damages which was why the firm took the case on contingency, meaning no upfront money because the attorneys had a huge sum of money from PG&E they would collect if they won.  This lawsuit we are bringing is in the interest of the public good, we are not suing a company for damages, we are just suing the FCC, ADA and challenging the Telecom Act to retain our basic rights to life and for the legal violations including Constitutional that 5G brings.  However, the NY firm has agreed to slash their rates by nearly 50% in order for this to be feasible for us.  We believe the Erin Brokovich firm will too when the time comes to speak about this, but the initial work at this moment is being done by us and the NY firm.  Please know that ANY SIZE donation is welcome!  Please do not think your donation is too small if it's only $5 or $25.  It's not!  We are grateful!  Alternatively please do not think your donation is too large if it is over $50,000 or $100,000 as we are definitely seeking large donors, able to donate large amounts as this lawsuit may ultimately reach into the high 6 or even low seven figure.  We are eternally grateful to you and please see our below statement on large donations.



We believe we are going to win this lawsuit and when we do, we expect to be reimbursed all attorneys fees and court costs from Defendants.  It is our intent to refund all donations for this lawsuit over $500, if and when we win - which we believe we will...these attorneys won't even take lawsuits if they don't think they will win!  However, there are lots of legalities involved in refunding you, including even our written statement on it.  So if we win and if we are reimbursed our court costs and attorneys fees, which we believe we will be, in accordance with the amount we have been reimbursed and the amount you have donated, it is our intent to refund all donations over $500, notwithstanding any legalities.  However, if you used your donation as a tax deduction, the possibility exists that there may also be legal ramifications for getting your money refunded, so please speak with a tax attorney about this prior to accepting any funds back from us after we win as there may be tax implications.  You can also choose to allow us to keep the funds if we get them back after the lawsuit, to help further our work on this issue which includes ground breaking scientific studies on wireless radiation exposure and health effects, lawsuits on this issue, general informing of the public via videos, power point presentations and educating our legislative representatives on this issue.

Thank you so much for your support of this lawsuit and your donation.  Please give as generously as you can!  We can do this but we need your support!

With love and gratitude,

Liz and All,


The Peoples Initiative Foundation
101 S Topanga Canyon Blvd #586  | Topanga, California 90290
310-281-9639 |

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