Greetings. I apologize for not sending the attached document to you before now; press of the BPL reply brief editing is the cause. But attached is our Informal Objection (the only procedural opportunity we have under the rules) to the application for renewal of the Ambient Corporation nationwide experimental authorization. The document speaks for itself, but briefly, Ambient has had over five years of experimental authorizations (including several STAs) to operate not only the Briarcliff Manor BPL system, a poster child for BPL interference, but as well anything else they want to operate. They reportedly have other BPL systems in operation, and some that were shut down, but none have been reported on in required six-month reports during the experimental period. The Ambient renewal application offers nothing to justify a two-year extension requested in the application. This SHOULD be an easy battle, but given FCC's bias toward BPL, who knows? Special thanks to Dan Moses, Frank Fallon's local government expert in Westchester County, NY, for arranging for Legislator Burton's letter, attached. It was very helpful indeed. 73, Chris W3KD ________________________________________________________________________ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.