22 Apr
22 Apr
1:08 a.m.
Hi Rick, Thanks for your good wishes. I did not receive a message concerning Tuck's condition, either. I checked the ODV listing, and found no message from him; and, I found no missing numbers, either. This bits and bytes business is sure mysterious. 73, Bob ----- Original Message ----- From: <K5ur@aol.com> To: <arrl-odv@listserv.arrl.org> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 5:48 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7133] Msg missing?
Hi All! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't get Tuck's initial message about his health situation. Tuck told me it went out last Wednesday or so. Make me wonder if I didn't get some other messages. Anybody else missing messages? Thanks. 73, Rick - K5UR