
I also recently had to deal with an angry member (and Maxim donor), over this exact same issue, and David Minster is aware of it. He'll have to respond as to where he and staff are in fixing this bug, but he is well aware of the situation. We discussed this when I was in Newington a few weeks ago. 

I've received another complaint this morning from a member about a lack of timely phone and e-mail acknowledgements on issues brought up to HQ staff. Apparently e-mails and phone calls are not getting returned. This is the third time I've had to intervene in the last month or so. 

On 02/01/2023 12:58 PM Richard Norton via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:

Today's installment of "Keeping the Trains Running?" -

I recently received the following email from a member, in fact from someone I had recently been on an overseas trip with. I was not pleased to have had to address the issue. More comments follow, at the end.

I believe someone has made a mistake
This is NOT how you acknowledge a donation.  You are a IRS 501(c)3  corporation. 
Or ARE you? see below 
There are definite IRS rules and commonly used statements that go with a donation acknowledgement.
This reads like I received goods and services for the money I donated
It even SAYS payment applied to the items you ordered.
Even the subject line reads improperly.  I did NOT make a ":payment" for goods and services.  I made a cash donation in accord with the IRS rules for donations
Or ARE you a tax exempt entity able to accept qualified donations?  I just spent 10 minutes looking at the web site, especially
and NOWHERE does it state ANY IRS status or classification
The TOP of the page for donations should precisely state the ARRL's IRS status with respect to donations
The ABOUT section should also clearly state the IRS status for donations
the contact ARRL section does NOT clearly show a contact for donations, you have to guess that it might be under contributions, grants and scholarships
Please review this and the procedures that caused it and then send me a properly worded donation acknowledgement
I will not be making any further donations until this is clearly resolved and the IRS status is posted properly on the web site
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Thank you for your payment


Dear :

Thank you for your recent payment of $400.00. Your payment has been applied to the following items you recently ordered.

Order Details:

Order # Item Amount
3000497640 Education & Technology Fund $200.00
3000497640 Spectrum Defense Fund $200.00

We’re here to help!  Contact us below with any questions you have about your order.

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
Tel: 860-594-0200 or Toll-Free 1-888-277-5289

It appears that the League is using software designed for product sales to input monetary data from donations. The language used in the email isn't appropriate for the circumstances. If this is an issue with the Personify program, this should have been noticed and fixed before implementation.

1) There was no reason to even send this email. The League followed up with an appropriate donation acknowledgement postal letter that can be used for tax purposes. Nothing more than the postal acknowledgement was required.

2) If there was some need to send an email, different text emails are appropriate for donations, rather than use product sales language..

3) If for some reason, handling sales and donations cannot be separated, and there is also some need to send a separate acknowledgement email, more appropriate language could be used in the text that appropriately serviced both types of transactions.

I spend considerable effort promoting the ARRL. I'm embarrassed to have to defend process like this to long-duration League supporters..

The member expected more.

I expected more.

Are the trains running in an acceptable fashion?


Dick, N6AA

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