Here’s Steve’s summary of the
latest SM Conference Call.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for
Amateur Radio
860 594 0220
From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
2:52 PM
To: Patton, David NN1N; Kramer,
Harold, WJ1B
Subject: Notes on
Hello, Dave and Harold.
Here is summary of the topics that were discussed at last night’s teleconference with
the SMs of the New England Division.
I am also sending this directly to Director Frenaye and Vice Director
Raisbeck for their information and to
the SMs that were on the call. I will also post it on the SM Reflector. -- Steve
Summary of Topics Discussed at the July 2007 Teleconference
with Section Managers
On Tuesday evening, July 17, Membership and Volunteer
Programs hosted an ARRL telebridge teleconference with Section Managers of the
New England Division.
SMs that were able to make the conference were Art
Greenberg, K1GBX (Eastern Massachusetts);
ARRL Membership Manager Katie Breen gave a run down on
several initiatives and projects that ARRL HQ has been working on for promoting
membership to new comers into Amateur Radio, retaining members and also for
having former members re-join.
An updated version of the “New Ham Express”
– the introductory information that HQ is sends to newly licensed radio amateurs
is at the printer with a revamped style and more information.
The Section Mangers gave input as to how they have been
promoting League membership in their sections. Many have found positive
success in giving away a pocket-sized ARRL Repeater Directories to new members
or renewing members. This program is described on the SM Area Web page:
“Section Managers may request copies of The ARRL Repeater Directory® to use as
incentives for membership sign-ups. The free book offer applies to brand new
memberships, renewals or lapsed-renewals at the regular and senior dues
amounts. Printed application forms are also available. Contact the ARRL Sales
& Marketing Department for assistance, email”
Other membership recruiting tips and ideas are found linked
to the SM Area Web page. What works well for you?
The Section Managers described how finding qualified and
interested radio amateurs to hold Field Organization appointments can sometimes
be a challenge. Establishing consistent reporting from all the
Field Appointees and Section Leaders can also be an issue at times.
Having expressed that, some of the SMs also remarked how grateful they
were to have excellent Section Leaders to handle a particular part of their
Field Organization. Running a section really is a team effort.
There is strong mutual assistance for emergency response
among the sections. For example, a recent weekend search for a lost
person in
The Section Managers on the teleconference thanked Steve,
WV1X, for his on-going work and support and also for hosting this
Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio