Before the Logbook Queue Status page started reporting zero queue size, the 12:56 UTC report today showed an approximate 25% drop in the bytes in the queue from the previous hour. If accurate, that could be great news about reducing the backlog.
I uploaded my monthly LoTW TQ8 file (with no dupes) earlier this morning, and it has not been processed, so I suspect the zero queue size reporting is in error. It would be interesting to know if the routine maintenance yesterday included putting the new SSD drives online, or whether they are still in testing and configuration.
For those of us who used to wait for months and years for QSL cards, LotW is wonderful, even with 11 day delays! But our electronic world has raised our expectations to “instant” service!
Cliff K0CA
Comes up OK when I log in, although I also observed zeroes in the Queue table.
Does anyone know if part of LOTW has crashed? The Queue reads all zeros.