Now that Dayton Hamvention weekend has arrived, those of you attending
the Hamvention have probably become aware of a new membership marketing
program that has rolled out. We wanted to keep a lid on the concept
until the Thursday night "Dealers/Manufacturers) Meeting at Dayton
where it was announced.
For a limited time to assess its success, ICOM amateur radio equipment
dealers will give purchasers a coupon and membership application good for
$15.00 toward ARRL membership dues. This applies to new members or
those that have not been ARRL members for a least one year. If the
person purchasing the ICOM equipment is already an ARRL member, then the
coupon can be transferred to a third party.
Attached is a paper that was prepared for discussion by the R&R
Committee a few weeks ago. It covers the details of the
73, Rod W6ROD
Program Summary:
For a limited time, ICOM dealers will give purchasers of ICOM
equipment a coupon/membership application good for $15 toward membership
dues for each brand new or returning (after a lapse of 1 year) ARRL
member. Current members may transfer the coupon to a third party.
Program Timeframe:
This program will premiere on Friday, May 16th, 2003, at the Dayton
Hamvention and will run through Friday August
Program Preparation:
ARRL and ICOM staff members are currently working jointly to product a
coupon with a face value of $15 to be used toward the purchase of an ARRL
membership. The face of the coupon will explain its use and the reverse
side will serve as an ARRL membership application. Coupon use will be
restricted to individuals who have never held ARRL membership or whose
membership has been expired by one year or more. The coupons will carry
an expiration date of August
Signs depicting the coupon and its use will be created for display at
Hamvention and in ICOM dealer showrooms.
Coupon and sign quantities are currently being determined by ICOM
ARRL will use Sales and Marketing department in-house graphics services
to design the coupons and signs. Upon ICOM approval of proof copies, ARRL
will arrange for, and incur the costs of, printing and delivery of all
items to ICOM at the Dayton Hamvention.
- ·
Startup Cost Estimate - $1,200.00
Program Execution:
Upon purchasing product from an ICOM Dealer, the customer will be handed
the coupon by Dealer staff. A provision has been made on the coupon face
for transferability if the customer does not meet the requirements for
use (i.e., customer is currently an ARRL member, etc.)
Once the coupon and remittance are received at HQ (the coupon plus
remittance will equal desired term fee,) staff will verify that the user
has never held ARRL membership or their membership has been lapsed for
one year or more. If the criteria are met, ARRL will charge ICOM the $15
face value of the coupon. However, ICOM will also be afforded the same
$15 “finders fee” that we currently offer ARRL affiliated clubs. The
“finder’s fee” will offset the charge to ICOM, creating a zero dollar
If, upon receipt of the coupon and remittance, it is determined that the
customer does not meet the criteria necessary for coupon use (customer is
already currently an ARRL member, etc.,) the membership transaction will
be pro-rated based on the amount of remittance received without the
coupon. The coupon will be voided, and a notification/explanation letter
will be sent to the member regarding the pro-rated term.
At each thirty day interval, ARRL staff will provide ICOM with a summary
report documenting of the quantity of members acquired and the quantity
of coupons that were voided, due to the non-eligibility of the
At the end of the pilot period, we will generate an ARRL internal
comprehensive report, including final acquisition totals and the
acquisition cost per member. We will also provide ICOM with a full
summary account.
We will seek ICOM’s feedback to determine their perception of the
program’s level of success, ease of administration, needed changes, and
viability of future periodic or full time deployment.