Well, my 2-cents worth. The League should announce that there will not be any 60-meter awards unless the regulations on our usage change, and credits towards any awards would have a start date (much like the DXCC does on some prefixes). Thus any DX contacts made on 60 before the TBD start date would be invalid. We would, of course, announce such a start date enough in advance that everyone would have a fair shot. "Unlimited Radiation" could go ahead and work N8S on 60, but it would never be any good for League awards, so why bother? Dang, I'm having enough trouble working the dudes on 20 CW as it is!!! Got 'em on 20 RTTY and 15 voice, tho. Almost had 'em on 10, but the band died. Hmmm, guess my radiation is limited..... 73, Karl, WA5TMC -- -------------------------------------- "Of, By, and For..." - Not just words! Karl Bullock, WA5TMC ARRL Vice Director - Delta Division 321 CR 458 Ripley, MS 38663 662 512-8053