Director Hopengarten: There was no suggestion that you are unfit to serve as a Director. I understood you to say during the Board Meeting that you were working with amateurs living in or owning property in Road and Lake Associations. That is what caused the concern as to a potential conflict of interest. As noted in my posting I was suggesting a simple way to resolve any question of a conflict. With regard to my other points, you certainly can take issue with them, but that doesn’t mean the questions won’t be raised, the HOA lobbyists won’t take those positions or that those seeking to weaken PRB1 won’t try to raise the arguments noted. As I said, there may well be unintended consequences of this effort and we will need to be prepared to meet them. 73, Jay, K0QB Sent from my iPad
On Jan 23, 2019, at 10:19 PM, <k1vr@arrl.org> <k1vr@arrl.org> wrote:
only on the side of a radio ham.