Jim, I don't know the source of the "abstain" reference but of course we did not have a vote at the WRC. We were observers. Besides, there weren't votes; decisions were made by consensus. Dave Quoting W5JBP@aol.com:
Yes, Dave, tomorrow we would not. I do have a question however, when did you
"abstain" on a vote regarding 25.5? I was not aware of such a vote at the WRC.
The question is to each of you on the board, what do you want to do? You know
as well as I, come Monday there will be a number of petitions submitted to the FCC for elimination of element 1.
This is another opportunity to be as popular as we were during the implementation of incentive licensing. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Those who will be petitioning the FCC know that we will be having a board meeting in a few weeks, and will have to deal with the issue one way or the other.
Time to put on the kevlar.
Jim Haynie, W5JBP