I had an executive briefing in Redmond last year where they told us that personal Skype would be “bug fix only’ by EOY 2020 and Skype Hyperservers will be retired. Of course that may change, they originally said Skype for Biz was done Q1, now it’s October.

Personal Skype becomes basically peer-to-peer, not secure, wide open to every security agency and many hackers on the planet. Microsoft will tell you that  Skype should not be used for secure communication.

Research what Edward Snowden wrote about Skype. Teams (and Zoom and others) have endpoint strong encryption. 


On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 10:39 PM rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
"Unfortunately, Skype is being discontinued and replaced with Microsoft Teams. "

Just to clarify - this is skype for business, not personal skype, unless you've heard differently.


On Sun, 22 Mar 2020 at 21:54, Mickey Baker <fishflorida@gmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, Skype is being discontinued and replaced with Microsoft Teams. In a non-Microsoft integrated environment, Teams is a pain to use because of the groups login issue.

I bought a Zoom license and intend to expense it. Zoom is a nextgen teleconference company that the original offers of Webex started after they left Cisco. The product goal is performance, low cost and ease of use. It is so simple and eliminates the device setup nightmares of Webex, GotoMeeting and Skype. Zoom stock is up over 100% since IPO, so they're doing something right.

I usually use a standard Win10 PC a $70 Logitech C920 HD camera and a $12 LED light. License, $150/year, so all-in, I'm at $220 for up to 100 people at a meeting that could run 24 hours/day.

There are too many clubs in the almost 15,000 members in the Southeastern division to loan out the license, so the SMs and clubs are buying their own. Since we're avoiding more that 400 miles drive time and airfare for meetings, there is a clear financial case to do this both for the Board and for the field organization to stay in touch with members.

Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf

On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 4:06 PM John Robert Stratton <N5AUS@n5aus.com> wrote:

    Future Meetings and Equipment

    Fred and I discussed this last night and as a member of A&F, it is a matter I will bring the subject before the Committee when we meet this week (We currently have meetings scheduled on two different days).

    A polite observation:

        Diane and Barry (and others at HQ) are, and have been, working like rented mules for the past two weeks to plan for the expected and now ordered closing of HQ.

        Fred's comment regarding forcing the "CFO to allow payment" —because I have known Fred for a long time and there isn't, despite his being an East Coast lawyer, a mean bone in his body—should not be misinterpreted; he was not speaking ill of Diane, but I am certain merely attempting to underscore the importance of ensuring all of us are able to communicate on an equal footing during these unexpected times.

        A number of us with experience are discussing the best equipment to recommend and will get back to everyone this week.

        Skype can be as useful as Zoom; we will have to try out both and use what works best for each circumstance.

        As to Bylaw changes, I don't believe we need any to hold interim meetings. The Board has held electronic meetings — in accordance with CT law — to discuss and decide specific issues before; so, as to non-January/July Board meetings we are on solid ground in holding online meetings, whether by conference bridge (audio only), Zoom, Skype or mind meld.  We should, as Fred suggests, verify our ability to conduct the July meeting fully online, if we need to. But, by then we should be back to normal and be able to meet in person.

    The suggestion as to the preparation of a how-to paper has merit, but that may depend on staff availability in the next few weeks. Those of us who "know how'' can assist everyone else in one-on-sessions.




John Robert Stratton



West Gulf Division

Office:             512-445-6262

Cell:                512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232



On 3/22/20 2:30 PM, Michael Ritz wrote:
I purchased a Zoom Pro account for my Division earlier this month that can be used by anybody that needs it. Several of the clubs and ARES groups here are using it for their virtual meetings, one just this morning. Just let me know and I can set up a meeting any time. 


On March 22, 2020 at 12:22 PM hopengarten@post.harvard.edu wrote:



The world has changed. In the next 10-15 weeks, we will hold a lot of video teleconferences, some/many  replacing face-to-face meetings. For example, the Executive Committee meeting scheduled to follow the Dayton HamVention is not going to happen at the Dayton Marriott.


I propose that:


·         We do what we must to permit Zoom/WebEx/Skype videoconference meetings under our bylaws.

·         In my life, Zoom seems to be winning these days. But I have no religious preference. Pick one and proceed.

·         We solicit from someone we trust information on a standardized package of camera, headset and backdrop that we can buy in bulk for $200.

--The camera should self-focus and follow (K3RF has one and it is really nice to watch).

--The headset should deliver decent audio through its microphone, and eliminate the hollow/echo sounds of some cameras with built-in microphones in some rooms. It might also quiet down the sounds of barking children and crying dogs (or vice versa).

--The backdrops should be cheap, and easy to set up, but prevent the camera from being blinded by reflection off windows, and the like, as well as the distraction of trying to figure out what is going on behind the person then speaking


W e force the CFO to allow payment for each “studio” set up for these meetings to come out of each Division budget (i.e., no additional budget, but, as this is going to substitute for travel, it seems like a perfectly reasonable substitution)

·         I’m suggesting a standardized package to permit our IT and technical people to be better positioned to help out when problems arise.

·         It seems to me that this is a matter that should be routed through the A&F Committee. But, as described in the immediately preceding bullet, it should not change any Division budget.

·         If we buy in bulk, purchasing 30-35 of these packages, we should be get the price down below $200 per studio. I would remind all that the $6000-7000 cost is less than the cost of one in-person EC meeting.  

·         When we are ready to implement, I suggest the technical team prepare a two page memo on how to set up the camera, headset and backdrop, as well as how to initiate and join (just a URL for a good YouTube video).


As we are all now enjoying a new reality, and the greatest need is within the next 10 weeks, I urge fast action.



Fred Hopengarten, Esq.    K1VR     hopengarten@post.harvard.edu

Six Willarch Road

Lincoln, MA 01773                        antennazoning.com



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