Thanks Kay

      Your (a),(b),and (c) are correct.  My results came right away and were very good.  Dealing with the FCC however is akin to the preparations for the medical test.  Neither is pleasant.

      73/Greg  W7OZ


-----Original Message-----
From: Kay Craigie []
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:02 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:13228] Re: Executive Committee Report


The analogy is certainly valid. The difference between the infamous

examination and dealing with the FCC, however, is that (a) the colonoscopy

is good for your mental and physical health, (b) you don't have to wait four

or five years for the results, and (c) they do it to you under anesthesia.

Dealing with the FCC, au contraire....


73 - Kay N3KN