Hi Lisa,
I know you sent me the form, but for the life of me I cannot find it. Let me free form it and see if I get all the info.
I will be staying at the Marriott Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Jan 19 thru 21. Single occupant, non-smoking room, por favor.
I will be arriving on Thursday on American Airlines Flight 1722, scheduled to arrive at 4:19 PM.
I intend to be at the Marriott for dinner Thursday night and all other BOD events through Saturday night.
I am scheduled to depart on Sunday on American Airlines flight 1295 at 9:47 AM.
BTW...I found the form. It wasn't on my computer but in the letter. I forget about letters.
As a bit of old business...When I attended my first BOD meeting last year, I was given a defective Vice Director badge. It was assembled with the clip below the centerline of the badge, which made it unstable when worn. I still need a replacement badge. The tape which helps to keep the badge erect keeps falling off and I have had to use things like Band-Aids to keep it working while on the road. Can you order me a replacement as we talked about last January?
Many thanks for all you do. Looking forward to seeing you and all of the gang in few weeks. Keep the snow at bay, if you don't mind.
Happy New Year!
Southwestern Division Vice Director
----- Original Message -----
From: Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ
To: arrl-odv
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 6:32 PM
Subject: [arrl-odv:13437] Travel/Accomodation form

Please let me know your travel arrangements/hotel arrangements by 1/5.  For those of you that have submitted it already, than you.

Happy New Year!

Lisa, KA1UFZ