4 Feb
4 Feb
5:02 p.m.
What’s the status of the creation and publishing the RM-11708 FAQ from #51 in the Board Meeting Minutes? Although there seems to be a lull in the protests, I’m anticipating that it may come up at the HamCation ARRL Forum as one of the vocal opponents is a local. I’d like to be able to point to the FAQ link on the website homepage and move the discussion along to more fruitful topics. Thanks & 73, Doug Doug Rehman, K4AC Director Southeastern Division ARRL—The National Association for Amateur Radio® <mailto:doug@k4ac.com> doug@k4ac.com <http://www.arrlse.org/> www.arrlse.org <http://www.facebook.com/arrlse> www.facebook.com/arrlse