Here is our Pacificon (Pacific Division Convention) announcement. I'd appreciate it if those of you in the west (particularly the Southwestern and Northwestern Divisions) would send it out to your respective divisions. -- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
The American Radio Relay League Pacific Division & the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club Presents: []
PACIFICON 2008 Is Coming Soon! October 17-19, 2008, San Ramon Marriott Hotel San Ramon, California
For Events, Latest Updates and Ticket Sales go to: <http://www.pacificon.org/>www.PACIFICON.org
Call the Marriott Hotel Reservations Desk at 1-800-228-9290 Before October 1, 2008, to ask for the special Pacificon rate of $90/night.
PACIFICON 2008 Events Include: ** Friday All-Day Antenna Seminar ** Friday Legal Seminar ** Friday Evening Open MDARC Meeting ** Saturday Keynote Breakfast & Evening Banquet ** Outstanding Technical Forums ** Ham Equipment Exhibitors ** Great Swap Meet ** Daily Radio Prize Drawings ** ARRL Forum ** Transmitter Hunt ** ATV Activities ** QRP and HFpack Activities ** Ham License Exams ** Saturday All-Day Technician License Class ** Boy Scout JOTA
We encourage you to share this email with others who you think might be interested
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73, Andy Oppel, N6AJO Vice Director, Pacific Division American Radio Relay League (ARRL) The National Association for Amateur Radio n6ajo@arrl.org home: (510) 864-2299 cell: (510) 912-0985