IN-Newsletter Vol. 25, No. 26 July 2, 2002 Upcoming Meetings July 18th in Newington, CT at 9:00am Volunteer Resources Committee July 18th in Newington, CT at 8:30am Membership Services Committee July 18th in Windsor, CT at 8:30am A & F Committee July 19-20 in Windsor, CT: Board Meeting Development The Education & Technology fund reached $193,600 with contributions from 3300 donors. The W1AW campaign is in production and scheduled to mail the week of July 8. Letters will go to two groups of members....7700 contributors to the 1988 W1AW campaign and 2500 members randomly selected from our member files. The campaign goal is $150,000. Proposals for education have been mailed to UPS Foundation and Eli Lilly. An additional planned giving commitment has been received, bringing the total to 11 since the beginning of 2002. Additional information on wills and other planned giving instruments had been mailed to 102 prospects. These prospects came from the two informational mailings sent our to 30,000 members since January 2002. Two more mailings totaling 30,000 letters will go out in August and October. The search for a Development Associate continues. Sales & Marketing Marketing Sales of ARRL Field Day pins and T-shirts were brisk this year, yielding gross sales of $55,669 (approximately $49K in 2001). Dan Henderson met with Dennis Motschenbacher and Bob Inderbitzen to discuss his ideas for additional Field Day supply items as we begin to prepare for the 2003 event. The Field Day pins and T-shirts are among our most successful supply items, thanks to Dan's ongoing collaboration with the Sales and Marketing Team. The meeting also generated some ideas to help prospect for future NCJ magazine subscribers. Hanan Rayyashi has been meeting with Bob to discuss ideas for her next edition of Advertising Matters--our newsletter to ARRL advertisers. Deb Jahnke, Dennis, and Bob teleconferenced with an ARRL instructor who is drafting some letters for future membership solicitations. We hope the effort to give the mailings a fresh, new voice will increase their return. Bob edited and formatted a letter, drafted by QEX editor Doug Smith, KF6DX. The letter appeals to prospective QEX advertisers, and will be included in future mailings that promote ad insertions for the journal. A "4th of July" holiday email solicitation for publication sales was sent to 41,000 members on Friday. The mailing touts new titles, a discounted publication, and a special offer for qualifying orders. The campaign runs through Monday, July 8. Sales We have continued our step-up of Publication Dealer telemarketing calls as that area of sales is extremely sluggish this month as opposed to the same time last year. Part of the reason is that dealers purchased more heavily than usual in April and May and are still fairly well stocked. Deb participated in a meeting with the Siebel programmers to finish up work on the Publication Sales module and continue work on the Advertising Department module. There's interest in using the advertising module as contact management software. A training assessment meeting was held with members of the Advertising Sales team. Progress has been made and staffers are becoming more comfortable in proactive sales rolls. Hanan is proving to be an excellent tutor. With assistance from TIS, Joe Bottiglieri is compiling a list of likely prospects that have not previously advertised in QST. Joe also followed through on a request for advertising rate information which resulted in a brand new ad in August QST. Carol Patton is progressing with her task of changing computer ad insertion procedures to provide us with daily progress information of how close we are to our monthly goals both in dollars and page counts. August QST has been shipped to the printer. Shelly Bloom did a great job getting our upfront ad pages to the printer in a file format that will allow the pages to print directly to plate. Shelly also handled changes and new ad copy requests. Maty Weinberg assisted Carol in preparing the film pages for the printer. Production/Editorial The Proceedings of the 2002 Central States Conference and The ARRL Image Communications Handbook, a new title by Ralph Taggart, WB8DQT, have been released to the printer. Membership Services Awards Branch WAS QSL Cards Checked 150 WAS Certificates 9 5BWAS Certificates 3 Code Proficiency Certificates 4 Code Proficiency Endorsements 2 Long Term Member Inquiries 3 A-1 Operator Nominations 1 A-1 Operator Certificates 2 Friendship Awards 1 VUCC Initial Applications 4 Grids (Data Entry) 244 VUCC Endorsement Applications 4 Grids (Data Entry) 162 VUCC Backfills 1 Grids (Data Entry) 128 VUCC Awards Mailed 11 HF Awards Manager Appts: Michael P. Knox, WAØKKE, Stillwater, MN and Al La Peter, W2IL, Winter Park, FL Processing Status: Basic WAS 4 weeks WAC QSL Card Checking 2 Weeks For the coming week-Basic WAS awards for June, WAC QSL card checking, and mailing VUCC and WAS awards. DXCC Branch Weekly Report June 30, 2002 Beginning Cards 42,251 Cards Received 12,697 Cards Processed 21,067 Ending Cards 33,881 Applications Pending 275 Processing Time 1 Week Year-to-date Cards Received 293,650 Cards Returned 367,364 QRP Issued this week 2 QRP YTD 213 DXCC is currently mailing applications received on June 21, 2002. DXCC is currently entering cards received on June 26, 2002. 1 Millennium award was issued, bringing the total to 2,985. For a few hours on Wednesday, June 26, DXCC data entry was at Ø. (Staff was editing applications already entered). However, that was short-lived. Contest Branch Plates for back-ordered DX Contest plaques arrived and the plaques were shipped. Plates for the 2001 November Sweepstakes plaques were ordered. Work on the 160 Meter and January VHF SS web presentation databases was reviewed to get the features ready and were opened to the membership online. Work began transferring electronically submitted Field Day entries to the server for data entry. Rules for the 2002 EME Contest were prepared and sent to Production. The 2002 RTTY Roundup results articles for the Web and QST were compiled and sent to the WSDD and Production Departments. Preliminary DX CW results were received from the log checking team and reviewed. A copy of the checked DX CW scores was forwarded to W4PA, who is writing the QST and Web results articles. QSL Branch QSL Service Status: Current. Cards mailed as of 06/30/2002: 1,095,400. This is an increase of 54,084 more cards than for the same time last year. Cards mailed on 06/28/2002: 79,300. Janet Rocco spent 3 hours conducting tours around HQ. Field & Educational Services Rosalie gave a presentation and took notes at the NPSTC meeting hosted here all day Tuesday. She networked with the FCC Comm Center, and got new contact information from them. She took part in two NASA telecons and a VRC telecon. Field Organization/ Public Service Team Steve Ewald kept in touch with Arizona SM Hauser who has been providing news and updates. Monday, the FCC issued a General Communications Emergency Declaration to protect Arizona emergency net frequencies that are handling traffic for fire-fighting efforts. Steve also followed up with three SMs who had specific information on designating helpers for their Section Web sites. Comments on the SM Reflector revealed that Field Day Get on the Air Stations were very popular. Leona worked with the printer preparing Puerto Rico Section election material. These ballots and statements will be sent to Puerto Rico members by July 1st. Of the 17 Field appointee initial supplies that were sent this week, 15 were related to emergency communications (EC, DEC, OES appointments). An SM nomination petition was received from Northern New York Section for incumbent Thomas Dick, for a term beginning January 1, 2003. Reminders were sent for SM Nomination petitions to Steve Barreres, K2CX, and Dave Armbrust, AE4MR, (who earlier sent messages saying they plan to run) for NYC/LI and WCF Sections. The Big Project One of Jerry Hill's Progress Grant schools (Franklin Elementary School, Kirkland WA) is boasting 18 new Tech Class students; Jerry sent congratulations letters to the students. One of Jerry's Pilot School teachers, Robert Lah, KD5HAW, completed more activity sheets for use with units of the curriculum. Regulatory Information John Hennessee is seeing correspondence from amateurs responding to the information on the ARRL antenna restriction Web page asking for people to contact their US representatives regarding HR 4720. He assisted amateurs with covenant difficulties in Frenso, CA (W7KPQ) and Racine, WI (N9BF). Amateurs are responding to the information on the ARRL regulatory Web page at the section on covenants. John is working out details for a meeting in July with Barry and Marsh Account Executive Gail Farrett. Marsh Affinity Group Services is the administrator of the ARRL member insurance plans. Gail will be in the region at the end of July. C-CE Jerry Ellis continues to learn more of the processes involved in the C-CE Program and will take over much of the e-mail starting next week. He is taking registrations for the Boxboro ARECC Level I Review class/exam. Dan Miller reports a brand new course -- Satellite Communications (EC-007) -- has opened. The course author is Steve Ford, 35 students have already enrolled, and registration stays open through this weekend. An exam session was received this week from Knoxville, TN with six Level I and one Level II certificates earned. Connecticut registrants inched near 100 for the UTC grant-supported emcomm courses. A nice quote came from Connecticut registrant N1YVV: "I'm in the middle of the Level I emcomm course. I've run NTS traffic and nets, and Skywarn nets for over 4 years. As it turns out, I've learned a lot of things about NTS that didn't occur to me before." Field & Educational Support Team Mary Lau represented ARRL at the San Francisco Section Convention, giving the banquet speech. Gail Iannone sent 10 convention applications to the Executive Committee and notified the sponsoring committees that they were approved. She co-ordinated travel for Martin Cook to be the HQ rep at the Alaska State Convention on September 14; sent 4 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 10 door prize orders and sent 8 handout packages for upcoming events. Margie reports 3 new applications were received for Special Service Clubs, plus paperwork for one affiliated club. She viewed two videos for possible addition to the library; one may be a good addition. She sent a notice by e-mail to the Instructors and Teachers, about availability of the new "Ham Radio....Planning for the Future". She sent a notice to the Club e-mail list about President Bush's letter to ham radio ops. Jean is preparing the 2002 QST article about Jamboree on the Air. This year's edition of Ham Radio...Planning for the Future is now in from the printer and in stock. Jean will be mailing complimentary issues to all authors. She wrote an item nudging teachers and volunteer instructors to consider purchasing the book. Jo-Ann Arel handled some tours and assisted in Accounting for vacationing staff this week, besides handling materials fulfillment and database registrations in F&ES. Many F&ESers had fun taking part in Field Day, but Mary Lau, N1VH, may have made a first. At 11:33 am EST June 23, she had a 10GHz recumbent-trike mobile QSO from W1AW's parking lot with W1VT. He had a portable station set up in Hq's lobby. Mary's station was a lap-mounted iCOM 202 coupled to a hot-pink 10GHz transverter, both powered by a Gates monoblock battery pack located atop her trike's commuter bag. 73, Sincerely, David Sumner, K1ZZ Chief Executive Officer DS:lk Staff Absentee List Name Date(s) Reason All Staff 7/4-7/5 Holiday Dave Sumner 7/8-7/16 Finland Mark Wilson 7/1-7/3 Vacation Dave Patton 6/25-7/1 Friedrichshafen `` 7/8-7/16 Vacation Wayne Mills 6/25-7/1 Friedrichshafen `` 7/2-7/16 Vacation Jennifer Hagy 7/1-7/8 Vacation Monique Levesque 6/27pm-7/8 Vacation Rosalie White 6/28 Vacation Dan Miller 7/1-7/8 Vacation Margie Bourgoin 7/8 Vacation Joe Carcia 6/28pm-7/3 Vacation Judy Miller 7/1-7/8 Vacation Joel Kleinman 7/2 Vacation `` 7/8-7/12 Vacation Rick Lindquist 7/1-7/8 Vacation Jan Carman 7/1-7/3 Vacation Helen Dalton 7/11-7/19 Vacation Brennan Price 7/12-7/14 Georgia State Convention, Gainesville Mary Lau 6/25-7/8 San Francisco Section Convention/Vacation Zack Lau 6/25-7/8 San Francisco Section Convention/Vacation Zoe Belliveau 6/24-7/3 Vacation Lisa Tardette 7/8-7/19 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 7/8-7/12 Vacation Debbie Jahnke 7/1-7/3 Vacation Dennis Motschenbacher 7/2-7/16 Vacation Dan Henderson 7/3 Vacation