Hi all:
Here’s the latest list of motions
for tomorrow. These are all posted on
Note the group under consent. This is
a group that should not be controversial and pass with no opposition. The plan is to cover all of them in one consent
motion without each motion read individually during the meeting to save time. However,
the wording of each motion will be detailed in the final minutes including who is
listed as first and second and with applause as usual.
Also, note the group requiring a By-Law
Rick – K5UR
PSC 2 – Knight Distinguished Service
Award – 1. Hopengarten, 2. Ritz
PSC 3 – Doug DeMaw W1FB Technical
Excellence Award – 1. Abernethy, 2. Ritz
PSC 4 – Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial
Award – 1. Blocksome, 2. Holden
Carlson 1 – Recognize 100th
Anniversary of the Ft. Wayne Radio Club – 1. Carlson, 2. Holden
Ritz 2 – Recognition of Radio Club of Tacoma's 100th anniversary
as an ARRL affiliated club – 1.
Ritz, 2. Jairam
Roll call ¾ required
E&E 1 – Revise By-Law 19 (requires
¾ vote), with Motion to release to the membership the names, call and
position sought, for each candidate as he or she qualifies – 1. Hopengraten, 2.
Ritz 3 – Revise By-Law 18 (requires ¾ vote) to make
consistent with the Director and SM Election Rules document updated in January – 1. Ritz, 2. Jairam
Jairam 1 – Revise By-Law 47 (requires
¾ vote) to provide Electronic Signature Confirmation – 1. Jairam, 2. Ritz
PSC 1 – Standing Order for PSC
approval of contest rule changes without involving full Board – 1. Ritz 2.
Ritz 1 Rev B – Clarifying the ability of all board members to
attend any standing committee meeting as a Board guest – 1.Ritz, 2. Hippisley
Legal Defense and
Assistance Committee
LDAC 1 – Motion to revise and update
purpose of Legal Defense Committee –
1. Stafford, 2. Raisbeck
HF Band Planning
BP 1 – To adopt Band Planning Report
including revised band plans – 1. Raisbeck, 2. Williams