<<101310.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 33, No. 41 October 13, 2010 -- Covers the period October 3-9. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee Meeting October 23 @ 9:00am in St. Louis, MO Programs & Services Committee: November 13 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 19 in Newington, CT Administration &Finance Committee November 20 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ Technical Relations Reported by Brennan Price, N4QX Brennan Price attended the AMSAT Symposium and Annual Meeting in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Development of ARISSat-1 was extensively discussed, as well as AMSAT-NA's efforts to continue international collaboration despite the restrictions imposed by ITAR regulations. Brennan had a long conversation with Bob McGwier, N4HY, the chair of the Advanced Digital Technologies Working Group, and obtained an indication that his work will continue. Jon Siverling is on the United States delegation to the ITU plenipotentiary Conference. ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Toure, HB9EHT, was reelected without opposition. Francois Rancy of France has been elected the Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau for a four year term. Two radio amateurs will fill the two seats of the Americas on the Radio Regulations Board: Julie Napier Zoller, KJ4EMJ, and Ricardo Teran, LU4FDV. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP The VE testing of candidates in Antarctica provided a good story to use as a test of the interest in video reports on the ARRL website. Maria Somma's enthusiasm is delightful as she gives a brief description of the event, and it shows the potential for even more uses of video reports and stories in the future. A radio interview was done with Jason Hartman of California (JasonHartman.com). His shows are broadcast by many stations on the West Coast and also published as a podcast. Ducking the questions of why people do not trust the government to aid them in a crisis, I answered his other questions on licensing and the increasing capabilities of each license class. A previously unknown (at least to me) DVD was received showing past tours of ARRL HQ. This is being edited and digitized and will be "premiered" at a staff brown bag luncheon on Oct. 28. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The November/December 2010 issue of QEX has been released to the printer. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for October 7, 2010. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI RFI Mike Gruber worked with Jerry Ramie to develop a new "Smart Meter FAQ Page," as there has been an increase in questions about smart meters. Mike also discussed several PG&E cases with Jerry. A longstanding power line noise case in Lakeland, Florida continues. During a recent visit to Gettysburg, Laura Smith indicated that she will be looking in to the matter. In addition, Lakeland Electric has sent their RFI investigator to a Mike Martin training workshop. Due to an increasing number of grow-light complaints in California and now Colorado, Mike Gruber ordered a light and associated equipment to test ballast. The ballast was causing interference to an Amateur in California, and sent to us by Jerry Ramie. This equipment, when it arrives, will be tested for applicable FCC absolute emissions limits. Hamfest Presentation Bob Allison was a featured guest speaker at the Nutmeg Hamfest on Sunday, October 10th. He presented a power point presentation of what the product review process is and what some of the numbers mean. The presentation was well attended; about 30 people were there. Bob fielded many questions about a new Chinese Handie Talkie that is on the market. It was a great Hamfest. Product Review Bob Allison turned over several product review items over to the sales department for our annual ARRL on-line auction. Only two items are left to be processed and turned over for the auction. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R September ended with 155,674 members (year-to-date goal: 157.201). 74% of September expirees paid on time, compared to 73% in September 2009. A large membership campaign, planned for September, mailed slightly later in the month than anticipated. The first completed applications were just beginning to arrive in late September. Month-end email to lapsed members returned 213 applications. September product sales were $180,293, falling just short of the sales forecast of $184,471. Direct sales were $100,169; dealer sales were $80,124. Earlier this month, Bob Inderbitzen attended the National Hamfest in the United Kingdom. Bob was greeted by many existing ARRL members (we have nearly 800 members in the UK). He returned with 48 membership applications (39 new members!), and over $4,500 in dues and publications revenue. His trip also included a tour of RSGB Headquarters in Bedford, England. A photo diary of Bob's trip can be found on the ARRL's Facebook page <http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=238910&l=e3d877b015&id=2006921240 7> . Diane Petrilli has turned her attention to mining the "Guest Account" data collected on the new ARRL Web site. A positive initial response to some test e-mailings suggest that these prospects are rich membership leads. The winter 2010/2011 publications catalog has gone to the printer. 20,000 pieces are being mailed directly to members and customers. There are three other direct marketing projects in production or mailing: a postcard mailing announcing the new CD-ROM product featuring vintage radio photography (in the mailroom), a test membership mailing (at the printer), and a 2011 ARRL Handbook mailing (in design). The Member Services team processed over 500 Handbook backorders and an additional 1000 orders within the first week of October. The warehouse crew fulfilled 1,421 packages for publication and product orders (mostly 2011 hardcover Handbooks!), 97 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. We have restructured the administration and processing involved with publication returns. Now Shipping: The ARRL Handbook 2011 Edition (hardcover and softcover editions), ARRL's PIC Programming for Beginners Revised First Edition. Two new kits are in the final throes of production. The first is a Morse code oscillator, produced for ARRL by MFJ Enterprises. The project is a good "beginners" electronics kit. Mark Spencer has produced some supplementary narrative explaining the fundamentals of the working circuit and its components. We expect the kit will be popular with members, particularly newcomers, and with clubs, instructors and teachers seeking a classroom kit-building experience. The second kit is PIC programming lab and project, produced for ARRL by Cana Kit (Canada). This more substantial kit is intended to be used with ARRL's PIC Programming for Beginners book. The kit includes all the necessary components, parts and boards for someone following the book's step-by-step exercises and tutorial. The kit also includes all the necessary parts to build a microprocessor-controlled CW keyer, which is the book's culminating project. Both kits, the ARRL Morse Code Oscillator and ARRL's PIC Programming Kit, will be available later this fall. A new license plate frame has been produced. Along the top of the frame are the words, "AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR." Along the bottom are the words, "Member - ARRL" and our Web address. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW Joe updated the web code practice files. He constructed and tested a digital interface for the GAREC-2010 conference. He also constructed a 40/20 meter dipole (using the DX Engineering kit) for the conference. Joe checked out the radio equipment that was sent to the conference. He also processed regular QSL card requests. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the middle part of the month of October. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 11/25-11/26 Holiday Mike Corey 10/8-10/16 GAREC Conference, Curacao/Vacation `` 10/31-11/4 IAEM Conference, San Antonio, TX `` 11/17 NPSTC Meeting, Washington, DC Steve Ewald 10/18-10/24 Vacation Scott Gee 11/8 Jury Duty Dan Henderson 10/13-10/19 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA/Beale AFB `` 11/12-11/16 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN/Vacation Mary Hobart 10/15-10/16 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA `` 10/22 Vacation `` 10/29 Vacation `` 11/5-11/8 Georgia State Convention, Lawrenceville, GA Khrystyne Keane 10/22 Vacation `` 10/29 Vacation Joel Kleinman 10/26 Vacation Brennan Price 11/1-11/24 SCRPM, SG5 & subsidiary Working Parties, Geneva Steve Sant Andrea 10/15-10/18 Vacation `` 11/8-11/9 Vacation `` 11/29 Vacation Jon Siverling 11/3-11/5 FRACAP, San Salvador Dave Sumner 10/22pm-10/24 Executive Committee Meeting, St. Louis , MO Sharon Taratula 10/29-11/1 Vacation