I was able to find it by searching on QST. I dunno. 73, Kay N3KN

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2012, at 4:14 PM, JRS <jrs@hamradio.us.com> wrote:


    Searching for the App in the App Store does not work, if the search is for "qst." The search has to be for "qst ", ie, "q s t space".

    Might want to work with Apple to make it easier to find.

    If you search for "arrl", the QST App is the 29th App listed. An awful lot of crap is listed by Apple under the search term "ARRL." Since that is a trademark, we might want to stop Apple from using "arrl" as a generic locator for other people's Apps.



           John Robert Stratton       

                 West Gulf Division

                      Vice Director

                West Gulf Division

             Legislative Action Chair

       Office telephone:    512-445-6262
       Cell:                         512-426-2028
                      PO Box 2232
            Austin, Texas 78768-2232


On 10/22/12 2:34 PM, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B wrote:



We have just added the new iOS app for digital QST to the iTunes store.  While it is available now for all members, will not be publicizing it  until we make sure that it works correctly.  We are asking  any Board Members, SMs or staff (along with a few other selected testers) who have an iOS device to try to app and let us know how it is working.  We are aware of one know bug with Facebook sharing.  This has been reported and is being worked on.


For information on obtaining and using the app, see the information below that we will be sending to  members in a week or two. 


If you have any questions, you can direct them to Magdalena (Magz) Owczarska at  W1MGZ@arrl.org  who is coordinating the launch of the application.


Thanks for your help.






Harold Kramer, WJ1B

ARRL Chief Operating Officer

860 594 0220




NEW Apple iOS Edition

Access QST Wherever You Are


Now you can get the digital, interactive edition of QST on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch every month


Download the App Now




ARRL members using Apple iOS mobile devices--iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch--can download a new dedicated app to access the digital edition of QST. The app allows ARRL members to read QST online or choose to download individual issues of the journal for offline reading.


Features of the new QST App


·         Free: The QST app is free in the Apple App Store. You must be an ARRL member to access individual issues of QST.

·         QST Catalog: Browse all available digital issues.

·         My QST Library: Download issues of QST directly to your device for offline reading.


Using the new QST App


·         From your iOS device, go to the Apple App Store to search for and install the free QST app. Or click here to download the app now.

·         Verify your Apple ID Password

·         Open the app and go to the “QST Catalog” to browse available digital issues

·         Tap on the cover of an issue and select “Read” or “Download”

·         Log in with your ARRL website Username and Password (If you do not have an ARRL website Username and Password, please register at http://www.arrl.org/myarrl)

·         Each time you download an issue in the app, it is added to the “My QST Library” to view offline. Important: Before viewing issues offline, you must first initialize each issue online using your ARRL website login.

·         To stream embedded video and audio, you must be connected to the Internet.

Using a Windows or Android device? No problem!

ARRL members can already access the digital edition of QST from nearly any device with an internet browser, including desktop or laptop computer, smartphone, tablet, and e-book reader. To access QST online, visit www.arrl.org/qst.


Tell us what you think! Use this online form to share your feedback.


Go Green! Go Digital-Only. ARRL members may choose to opt-out of the mailed, print edition of QST at any time. Complete our online opt-out form.

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