<<031208.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 31, No. 11 March 12, 2008 -- Covers the period March 2-8. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee March 15 in Memphis, TN Zoomerang Survey: Here are the survey results of our Zoomerang Poll. Based on the survey results, we continue to publish IN-News weekly. Thanks to all those who responded and we will be taking some of your recommendations in the near future. Harold IN-News Survey Results Overview 1. How frequently do you read the ARRL IN-News? Every week 75% Every other week 8% Once a month 9% Never 8% 2. How often would you prefer the ARRL IN-News be sent out? Every week 53% Every other week 25% Once a month 21% 3. How valuable a resource do you find the ARRL IN-News? Extremely valuable 27% Somewhat valuable 60% Not valuable at all 8% No opinion 5% 4. I am a(n)... HQ Staffer 75% Board Member 25% A total of 75 people responded to the survey. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP We have contracted with Fathom for the coming Technology campaign website. Most of the initially planned web materials are now in hand and the goal of having the campaign ready for Dayton is on track. Kevin O'Dell of the PRC is editing the topical video clips for us. New topics and submissions continue to come in. Working with Sue Fagan, the brochure is almost complete. Logo stickers have been ordered for the campaign. A relationship has been begun with the RAC's (Canada) new Vice President for PR and we look forward to meeting in person before long. We are getting the video and the rights to use a video spotted on YouTube about tornados and Skywarm which is very good. The March edition of Contact! has been posted. Suggested edits have been made for the DHS website page about Amateur Radio and have been accepted. Requests for the Swiss Army Knife 08 have been coming in about a steady 5-8 a day since the announcement of its availability. More are being sent to representatives for use in hamfests and conventions. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The W1AW campaign letter is in progress. Solicitation letters for individual donor grants to the 2008 Teachers Institutes were mailed February 23. The first response - a $10,000 contribution - has been received. Three donor grants were received in support of the 2008 Tis were received in late 2007. Letters seeking permission from major donors for listing in the ARRL Annual Report, in QST and on the web were mailed and responses are coming in. The mailing included a save the date postcard for the annual donor reception in May in Dayton. Member loyalty letters to members of 50 years or more have been mailed along with certificates and pins. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 9, for March 7, 2008. It went out to 67,624 subscribers. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for March 7. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R New membership brochures were designed and produced and are now included in all Hamfest kits and renewal mailings - revisions include a more detailed Membership application in one version and more focused content on membership benefits. Bob and Amy attended a tradeshow sponsored by Barker Specialty last week and came back with some great ideas for Dayton. Mary Ann and Margie also attended to glean ideas for their department. A direct mail piece featuring ARRL's spring publications line-up is in the works. It includes ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook, ARRL's Hands-On Radio Experiments, the 2008-2009 Repeater Directory and TravelPlus for Repeaters CD-ROM. An initial meeting last week of an interdepartmental group discussed; Hamfest and Convention Kit packaging, Inventory management, Forms and printed material distribution. We have started the process of moving our kit fulfillment to the warehouse and looking at better solutions for inventory management. A survey is being sent to Hamfest/Conference organizers to review and refine the content of material sent to support the events. Long term goals of a forms and media warehouse on the web for automated ordering were discussed. In this past week the warehouse crew processed 985 packages of fulfillment orders and processed 321 free books. The new Instructor's Manual and the 2008 Field Day Shirts have arrived and are now shipping. Field Day pins are expected to arrive the first week of April. Thank you to Volunteer Tour Guide Grant Warner, AA1T and W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q for helping Katie with a large tour group of 20 graduate students from Southern CT State University. This group of secondary science and math teachers enjoyed an extended tour of ARRL HQ and W1AW. Many positive comments were received, interest generated in ham radio, and hopefully some applications for the teachers institute! Business Services Reported by Deb Jahnke, K1DAJ Although May QST will not leave for press until March 26, we have already exceeded our goal by a small margin and are still soliciting advertising. The May Hamvention theme advertising tear-out is also full and has met our goal. LDG and Flex Radio have renewed their present level of advertising for the next 12 months. In addition, LDG is on our "stand-by" list for a third page per month should a page open up in the front section. DX Engineering has expanded their advertising to a two-page spread each month for the next year. Our year-to-date scheduled new advertisers are: Super Bertha, Magnetics & Controls, Inc., TW Antennas, Kintronic Labs, Inc., hambid.com, Byonics Corporation and Satellite Sam. Returning advertisers in addition to the advertisers who come in once a year for the May issue, include Maha Energy and QSO Wizard. A promotion has been emailed to ARRL dealers offering a "pre-Dayton" sale on ARRL Publication orders received during the next 4 days, using a promotion code. This sale proved very popular last year. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team Official Observers sent in pertinent information to HQ on a specific case that the FCC is working on. Chuck Skolaut reviewed the material and forwarded it on the FCC. Bad language on the air and improper identification cases are getter closer looks by the OOs. We also learned that there is a potential bootlegger in Knoxville, Tennessee. The monthly Intruder Watch report from the IARU Region 3 coordinator has also arrived in Newington. Steve Ewald has been working on May QST's Public Service column. Meanwhile, potential future articles for the column have also been reviewed for consideration. For the SM election cycle that results in new terms starting on July 1, ARRL HQ received Section Manager nominating petitions from these incumbent Section Managers: Bill Dale, N2RHV (Santa Clara Valley) and Paul Gayet, AA1SU (Vermont). In addition, Richard Krohn, N2SMV, of Manalapan, NJ, has been nominated to become SM of Northern New Jersey for a term of office that was re-solicited. As reported earlier, there will be a three-way SM election in Northern Florida this spring. Leona Adams sent out training materials for six Official Observer candidates and sent more than a dozen information and supply packages to new Field Organization appointees. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Kathy Allison 6/30 Vacation `` 7/3-7/7 Vacation Shelly Bloom 4/14-4/18 Vacation Margie Bourgoin 4/3-4/9 Vacation Joe Carcia 5/23 Vacation `` 7/7-7/11 Vacation `` 7/18 Vacation `` 7/21 Vacation Jackie Cornell 3/17 Vacation Steve Ewald 3/28-4/4 Vacation Scott Gee 5/15-5/16 Vacation `` 6/30 Vacation `` 7/1-7/3 Vacation Dan Henderson 3/7-3/16 NC Section Convention, Charlotte, NC/Vacation Mary Hobart 4/23-4/29 International DX Convention, Visalia, CA `` 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention Bob Inderbitzen 3/27-3/28 AES Superfest / Milwaukee, WI Debra Jahnke 3/17-3/18 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 3/14-3/18 Vacation `` 3/20 Jury Duty Maryann Macdonald 5/14-5/18 Dayton Hamvention Dave Sumner 3/14-3/16 Executive Committee Meeting, Memphis, TN `` 4/4-4/8 IARU Reg. 1 EC Meeting, London