I can answer the first part because I've heard the rumblings. The usual naysayers are convinced that the manufacturers will soon be dropping all their CW products (keyers, paddles, etc.) because the code requirement is going away. I know they aren't that narrow-minded and will keep building as long as there is demand. -- Andy Oppel, N6AJO At 12:26 PM 1/13/2007, Karl Bullock wrote:
Sounds like a good plan to me!
I ordered a new chrome-based paddle this week and it was out of stock. The reason is that since the release of 05-235, there has been a renewed interest in CW, and thus a run on CW-related merchandise. I don't know why, but I didn't see that one coming. Additionally, some of our locals are now learning CW, despite the new ruling, because it's "interesting".
Just additional chewing material :)
See y'all in CT.
73, Karl, WA5TMC
As you know, traditionally Thursday evening after our group dinner has been reserved for a gathering of the Officers, Directors and Vice Directors as well as invited guest to discuss any informal issues outside of the formal board meeting time.
Thursday evening has been used to great benefit at times and wasted on others, sometimes just in pursuit of something to fill the time. For the 2007 Annual Meeting I intentionally avoided lining up a guest speaker.
The Federal Register publication of the order in WT Docket 05-235 should happen any day, which will start the 30-day clock ticking toward about 200,000 Technician licensees having HF privileges for the first time and toward some thousands having (or planning soon to have) General and Extra class licenses.
After consultation with the Vice President's, we believe the best use of the Thursday evening time would be to focus our group's thinking on the challenge of assimilating the new HF operators.
We need to grasp a sense of urgency in this matter, as this challenge will determine the face of Amateur Radio for years to come and it is our duty as stewards of the Amateur Radio Service to manage this situation properly.
The HQ department heads have been invited to join us for dinner and the informal session.
That is our topic. Come prepared to ask questions, offer comments and be a part of the most significant change in the Amateur Radio Service in decades!
73 Joel W5ZN
Andy Oppel andy@andyoppel.com andy_oppel@alamedanet.net