Please find attached the minutes from the second
meeting of the ARRL CEO Search Committee which was
held on February 6th. The minutes do contain
the CEO Job Description (Appendix #2) with the pages
watermarked as "ARRL Board Confidential - Draft".
Please treat this CEO Job Description document as Board
Confidential information. To protect the integrity of the
CEO Search process we do need insure that only
the proper version of this document is distributed. Also,
in fairness to all candidates it is important that all applicants
have the same period of opportunity to prepare and submit their
applications. The Committee is hoping that members of the Board
will help in the recruiting process for our next CEO, but for now
we ask that everyone refrain from distributing this document
outside of the ARRL Board. We are working on the details
necessary to make a public announcement but those details
are not yet final.
We are asking that everyone view this version and discuss
the details on ODV. We welcome your suggestions. The
time is very limited and plan to have this job description posted
publicly soon. We do need to have an affirmative response
from the Board so please comment before Monday morning.
Thank you,
73, Kermit Carlson W9XA