Last Friday we received a response to
our FOIA request to the FCC for the redacted material from the BPL
Dave and the staff have been reviewing the material and there
are some very interesting details contained in it. I sent out some some tidbits earlier today along with the actual material
released from the FCC to you via ODV. I have not yet seen it come through so
I'm guessing it is because the file sizes of the attachments were larger
than our email system will forward, unfortunately!
while we wait for it to come through or whatever I'll tell you it
contains some interesting things. In one place a
report is discussing the fact that the measured emissions from a device
exceeded the Part 15 limit. In the redacted report the statement
“If distance scaling were based on distance to the pole
ground wire rather than the nearest part of the BPL system [portion deleted]
measurements would have passed with 1 dB margin at the selected quasi-peak
measurement location”
What was deleted? The following parenthetical
comment: “(a suggestion made by Main.Net’s CTO, but which we consider to be
invalid),” In other words, the statement was retained but the fact that
the FCC staff thought it was invalid was deleted.
We now know – and can
show the world – why Judge Tatel stated in his concurring opinion, “…there is
little doubt that the Commission deliberately attempted to exclude from the
record evidence adverse to its position.” You can certainly see why the FCC
didn't rely on the information contained in this slide.
The staff is
preparing a story for ARRLWeb and we obviously will publicize this
To quote Riley Hollingsworth from a few weeks ago "The ARRL
held the FCC's feet to the fire on the science, and proved they let politics
override sound engineering!"
Hopefully the files
will come through today.....sometime. If not we'll bet it to you via some
73 Joel