FYI :Mike Corey sent this message in Word Doc form to the SM
list earlier today. I wanted to share it with ODV:
ARRL Headquarters
Field Support for Major Incidents
Most situations that call for Amateur Radio emergency communication
support can be handled at the local level. We regularly see this with severe
weather, 911 outages, and other localized events. These are the events that are
addressed through local emergency plans. Then there are times when
enhanced support is needed from outside the local level, this is where section
resources enter the picture. These are covered in Section emergency
plans. Finally, there are major incidents that demand more than
local, section, and possibly division resources can handle. It is during events
such as these that ARRL headquarters may be fully involved in supporting the
Field Organization through the activation of the ARRL Headquarters Emergency
Response Team (HQ-ERT).
But how might ARRL HQ support the Field Organization during
major events?
Resources – Through our contacts, HQ can help
locate additional resources, either personnel or equipment that are needed in
the response effort.
Conference calls – Planning sessions may be
needed by Field Organization volunteers at the local, section, or division
level. The ARRL can help by setting up conference calls so planners can talk
directly with one another.
PR & Media – HQ can help with any public and
media relations issues that may come up as well as provide background
information to the press and public. HQ also relays national media
inquiries to local contacts when appropriate.
Regulatory Service – Occasionally during major
events, questions come up regarding regulatory matters (Part 97). HQ provides
advice and guidance on such issues.
Interface with National Partners – When a special
line of communication needs to be opened up with a served agency at the
national level (i.e. Red Cross, FEMA, National Weather Service, etc.), the ARRL
maintains relationships with served agencies at national levels to support
activity within the Field Organization.
During a major event Section Managers and Section Emergency
Coordinators can submit requests for assistance or situation reports to . This email address is
for use only during large scale emergencies by Section/Division leadership.
Any general questions can be directed to the Emergency
Preparedness and Response Manager, Mike Corey, W5MPC, or 860-594-0222
The following was also sent to the SM list:
In regards to the email sent out earlier about major
incidents and ARRL HQ response I want to clarify some important points about
contact information. – This
email is to only be used during a large scale event when directed to do so. It
is used when the ERT at HQ is activated.
– It is used for general inquiries about emergency communications.
If you are submitting situation reports or correspondence
regarding an emcommn event please send it directly to myself and/or Steve
Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594 -0220