No, Henry, if we file a Petition for Reconsideration, NONE of the
rules would be stayed; all would go into effect on December 15. The filing
of a Petition for Reconsideration does NOT stay the new rules. They would
all go into effect while the FCC is pondering our filing, if we file
In order to obtain a stay of the effective date of the rules, we would
have to file a request for a stay. That is very hard to justify. We would
have to make a showing that Amateurs would be irreparably harmed, and that
there is a high likelihood that we would prevail on the merits of the
argument on reconsideration: a tough showing to make in advance.
So, nothing would be held up until the reconsideration has been
settled. AMSAT just asked the same question, incidentally. They are very
much concerned about the orbital debris rules and the pre-space notification
obligations. They are filing a petition for reconsideration only on that
73, Chris W3KD
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 27 Nov
2006 12:44 PM
Subject: [arrl-odv:14842] Re: Petition For
If we file a petition for reconsideration for only one
or two portions, such as 80 meters, would the complete FCC regulations
go into effect on December 15, 2006? Will everything be held
up until after the reconsideration has been settle?