the body of the minutes should contain a separate paragraph for each subject matter, and should show: (6) all main motions or motions to bring a main question again before the assembly that were made or taken up – except, normally, any that were withdrawn*…”The conclusion drawn ignores the very language of §48:
The footnote cited above regarding a withdrawn motion reads:"There may be certain instances in which a main motion is withdrawn under circumstances that require some mention in the minutes. In such a case, only as much information should be included in the minutes as is needed to reflect the necessary details clearly. For example, if, at one meeting, a main motion was made...
the body of the minutes should contain a separate paragraph for each subject matter, and should show: (6) all main motions or motions to bring a main question again before the assembly that were made or taken up – except, normally, any that were withdrawn*…”I submit, with respect to Mr. Henderson, that it would be difficult to find a Board Meeting that was not more exceptional and that did not harbor the most outstanding circumstances to justify the inclusion of the discussions of Abernethy-1 (¶53) and the Lisenco Motions (¶56). In whose memory has there been a Board Meeting with more focus on the actions of the Board than this one? An abnormal Meeting? Justifying circumstances? You betcha' Red Ryder.
The footnote cited above regarding a withdrawn motion reads:"There may be certain instances in which a main motion is withdrawn under circumstances that require some mention in the minutes.
2018 Minutes, Abbreviated Version (non Abernethy-1 Motion and Lisenco Motions)
2018 Minutes, Non-Abbreviated Version (inclusive of Abernethy-1 Motion and Lisenco Motions) [Enclosed as 2018 ARRL Draft Minutes — N5AUS Final Revisions - No Redline]
John Robert Stratton
Vice Director
Legislative Director
Gulf Division
Office: 512-445-6262
Cell: 512-426-2028
P.O. Box
Texas 78768-2232