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Vol. 34, No. 3

January 19, 2011  --  Covers the period January 9-15.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Programs & Services Committee:

January 20 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Administration & Finance Committee

January 20 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ

Annual Board Meeting

January 21-22, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT

Regulatory Information

Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND

After being out of the office for the past five weeks on medical leave, the week of January 11th was spent catching up on email, telephone contacts, and prepping for the ARRL Board meeting.  We continue to work on drafting an antenna ordinance for Cleveland Co, NC and monitoring the status of a permit revocation for a tower in Charlotte, NC.  We have begun work on the 2011 Field Day packet, with a delivery date to the web of February 1.  We also continue to work on the new Legislative newsletter, which should be ready to be provided to members sometime soon after the January Board meeting.

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Working around the snow piles of the past week, plans for 2011 activities were advanced.  These included more work on the video, confirmation of speaking at the Communications Academy in Seattle, setting up the agenda for the PR Committee call on Jan 19, recording a new Now Hear This with Harold Kramer, and answering a multitude of requests and questions.  Aid was also given in the coming MOU with the Scouts, legislative newsletter, clarification and video for the ARES basic classes, and PIOs with questions on copyright issues. 


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

Defense Fund receipts for January have been healthy so far with more than $17,000 in revenue. Two large contributions of $5,000 and $3,050 have been received.

The Diamond club has also had good response in January with more than $13,000 in revenue so far.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for January 14, 2011.

Sales and Marketing

Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R

Circulation mailing data has been pulled for March QST, and sent-off to the mailing facility.

As reported last week, a trial telemarketing campaign of lapsed members was conducted this week by the firm of Graven, Austin & Drake in Colorado.  The effort included 100 hours of telephone calls, connecting with nearly 1,400 lapsed members.  There were 57 two-year and 22 one-year memberships taken, totaling 79 members (5.7% conversion rate), and $5,190 in dues.  The results are rather promising, especially knowing these same lapsed members had not responded to multiple appeals by direct mail and email.

We have received a few membership applications as a result of ads placed in a couple of publications:  Trailer Life - 4 members, Public Safety Communications - 4 members, and IEEE’s ComSoc Magazine - 1 member.  We have also received many positive comments from current members who have spotted the ads. Besides promoting ARRL membership, the ads also direct readers to customized content on the ARRL Web site promoting the Amateur Radio Service.

It was a shortened 4-day shipping week due to winter storm Benedict.  The warehouse crew fulfilled 985 packages for publication and product orders, 178 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.

Ham-Com, host of the upcoming 2011 ARRL National Convention in June, has agreed to a 3-month QST ad run (March, April, May) promoting the event.  We will collaborate with Ham-Com on the ad’s content. ARRL will design the ad.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Joe updated the web code practice files.  He also processed regular QSL cards requests.  He created another web page (off the W1AW page) that details EchoLink and IRLP use at the station.  Joe also spent some time trying to work with the code practice archive web pages.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of the month of January.  He is also tracking the time each practice is run to determine the file size for each run.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

During this week, work continued on the Public Service column and the Field Organization Reports for March QST.  ARRL Emergency Coordinators have continued to submit their 2010 Simulated Emergency Test results and annual summary reports as the February 1 deadline begins to get closer.  Arkansas Section members have begun to return their filled-in Section Manager election ballots.  These ballots need to arrive at Headquarters by February 18.

One new Official Observer was added to our ranks of the Field Organization from West Central Florida.  Headquarters received the Region 1 monitoring report and a report that Radio Pakistan has been heard on 7100 kHz.  Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly Intruder Watch monitoring report.  A complaint was received regarding simplex users on 145.85 MHz interfering with AO-27 satellite passes.

Nomination papers for the 2010 International Humanitarian Award were mailed to the selection committee.  Questions this past week included tower height restrictions in El Paso, Technician licensee privileges, power line noise, and the possibility of equipment damage resulting from nearby lightning strikes.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Staff Absentee List

Steve Capodicasa        1/24            Vacation

    ``                  2/11            Vacation

Dan Henderson           1/21-1/22       BOD Meeting

Mary Hobart             1/20-1/22       Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting

Bob Inderbitzen         2/11            Vacation

Khrystyne Keane 1/31-2/1        Vacation

Harold Kramer           1/20-1/22       Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting

Lisa Kustosik           1/21-1/22       BOD Meeting

Maryann Macdonald       2/4             Vacation

Diane Petrilli          1/21            Vacation

Brennan Price           1/20-1/22       Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting

Barry Shelley           1/20-1/22       Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting

      ``                        2/4             Vacation

     ``                 2/18            Vacation

Dave Sumner             1/20-1/22       Committee Meetings/BOD Meeting

Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative

Joel Hallas             1/22-1/23       Wheaton Comm. Radio Amateurs Hamfest, Wheaton, IL

Mike Corey              1/28-1/29       Mississippi State Convention, Jackson, MS

Bill Moore              2/11-2/12       Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Bob Allison             2/18-2/19       Arizona State Convention, Yuma, AZ

Joel Hallas             2/25-2/26       Vermont State Convention, Colchester, VT

Harold Kramer           3/5             South Texas Section Convention, Rosenberg, TX