---------- Original Message ----------From: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net>To: Петро К <uw3wf@ukr.net>, W7VJ <w7vj@millerisar.com>Date: 03/13/2022 1:44 PMSubject: Re: ARRL Position on Russia
Hope you are both doing well, and especially you, Petro. I discussed this issue with both ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, and President Roderick, K5UZ when this all started several weeks ago. The bottom line is that ARRL has not stated an official position on the Russian war with Ukraine, and probably won't. What I can say is that the ARRL is an apolitical organization. We are also a member organization, and in my opinion, the ARRL really cannot speak on behalf of the belief of all our members. It will be up to each ARRL member to personally decide where they stand on the issue.
I know the recent stance and actions taken by the RSGB is quite harsh. However, the stance of the IARU, the governing body for Amateur Radio across the globe, is as follows: "IARU is an apolitical organization focused on promoting and defending amateur radio and the amateur radio services. The amateur radio service is about self-instruction in communications and friendship between people.”
This pretty much echoes what our governing body, the Federal Communications Commission says is one of the purposes for Amateur Radio in the United States. FCC "Part §97.1: Basis and purpose of Amateur Radio: (e) Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to enhance international goodwill."
Petro, you are correct that QRZ.com removed all Russian stations from its database as a political statement. That only lasted a few days before a massive public outcry had them restore them back. In the end Amateur radio is a brotherhood that transcends politics, and I believe in the end they realized that also.
This is perhaps not the answer you were looking for, and I hope you can understand. I pray for the people in your country every day, and wish you the very best. Please stay safe.
73;Mike Ritz, W7VO
Director, ARRL Northwestern Division
Vice President, ARRL Foundationw7vo@arrl.org
On 03/12/2022 1:31 PM Mike Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:
I’m at a hamfest today and will respond when I get home. I’ve been discussing this with both our ARRL CEO and President.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 12, 2022, at 8:28 AM, Петро К <uw3wf@ukr.net> wrote:
12 березня 2022, 18:19:46, від W7VJ <w7vj@millerisar.com>:
Thanks! 73! Petro UW3WFMike,
Am presuming the League has discussed. Any information? Nothing appears on the ARRL web site.
From: Петро К <uw3wf@ukr.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2022 6:38 AM
To: W7VJ <w7vj@millerisar.com>
Subject: Re[2]: ARRL Position on Russia
Good day!
Dear Andrew!
An example to follow! RSGB blocks russian and belarusian radio amateurs for silent support of the war!
I ask for the maximum repost. I am sending the link!
73! Petro UW3WF
From: Петро К <uw3wf@ukr.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 7:58 AM
To: W7VJ <w7vj@millerisar.com>
Cc: w7vo@arrl.net
Subject: Re: ARRL Position on Russia
Dear Andrew!
Russian athletes have not been under the state flag for several years for doping abuse.
What should be the punishment for bombing peaceful cities?
Putin's killer ratings are rising. There are many crazy putin fans among russian radio amateurs.
Why should they take part in the contests of civilized countries?
Receive awards and QSL cards like normal people? Lock only. Good must overcome evil.
Thanks! 73! Petro UW3WF
Dear Petro,
I am including our division director here for his thoughts. I have seen on other reflectors that many believe that the decision is an induvial one. Perhaps the ARRL has a position on this. Mike?
Am pleased to see that you are still able to email. Our prayers are with you and the Ukrainian people.
Very 73
From: Петро К <uw3wf@ukr.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:33 AM
To: W7VJ <w7vj@millerisar.com>
Subject: Re: uw3wf
Dear Andrew!
The most effective blocking of russian radio amateurs is possible at the level of radio clubs and national amateur radio organizations. Can you apply to ARRL?
Blocking is a ban on participating in contests, awards and QSL cards.
73! Petro UW3WF