Greg, it isn’t clear to me why the following is insufficient assurance:
After January 1, 2014, all coordinators who demonstrate that they are making an effort to manage their data through the online
Repeater Directory database will be eligible for the customary annual honorarium payment of $1 per repeater record.
All we ask is that you occasionally check into the database and view or edit your records. Our tracking software will automatically log your visits.
From: []
On Behalf Of G Widin
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 5:58 PM
To: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Cc: arrl-odv
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:22052] Changes in Repeater Directory data collection
It is my understanding that changing the source of repeater data would change the reimbursement for providing data n such a way as to completely de-fund many local repeater councils. I have been told that Minnesota's council would be one
such. Is this true in general, and how significant would this change be on a yearly basis? Is this change something we should be prepared for a firestorm about?
Greg Widin, K0GW
ARRL Dakota Division Director
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <> wrote:
All Directors:
At Minute 9.3 of the October 5 EC meeting I reported on a plan developed by Steve Ford, WB8IMY to improve the accuracy of listings in the ARRL
Repeater Directory. The new procedure for collecting and maintaining repeater data is explained in the attachment, which will be going out to frequency coordinators next week.
Until now, repeater coordinators have provided all of the information for the
Repeater Directory listings. While the data is in a common database, we regard each coordinator’s data as “their” data and allow them to manage it. The degree to which the coordinators do so varies widely. As a result we receive complaints about the
accuracy of the listings and are at somewhat of a competitive disadvantage to other published repeater listings.
The new procedure allows data to be received directly from repeater operators. However, coordinators will still have ample opportunity to “vet” the data for their areas and to make
changes, for example to delete uncoordinated repeaters.
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
Chief Executive Officer
arrl-odv mailing list