On October 22, 2020, ARRL issued guidance for DX Contest multi-op contest operations (found at http://www.arrl.org/news/guidelines-issued-for-arrl-dx-contest-multioperator-stations):
“ARRL has taken the decision to make temporary accommodations for a multioperator station to participate as a team in these popular ARRL contests,” (referring to the ARRL DX Phone and CW contests).
I’ve received a call from constituent AA1JD who has operated the ARRL 10 m contest for 35 years with a buddy, NC1M. He asks: Could this temporary accommodation apply to the ARRL 10 m contest as well?
This contest is only six weeks away. As (we hope) our COVID-19 concerns are temporary, and as these guys don’t want to break their 35 year streak, I ask that PSC consider broadening the list of contests eligible beyond the ARRL DX Phone and CW contests to include the 10 m contest.
Would the Chairman of PSC (Director Holden, K0BBC), and members, please consider this request as soon as possible, so that, for example, MS operations this year, amidst the pandemic, are allowed under the guidelines?
Fred Hopengarten, Esq. K1VR
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
781.259.0088, k1vr@arrl.org
New England Director
Serving ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT