As I understand this, this ad does not violate any of our policies. The question is, should it? 73, Wade W0EJ Gary Johnston wrote:
on 5/30/02 10:27 AM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ at dsumner@arrl.org wrote:
They've been around for at least a couple of years. I know we've had this discussion at least once before.
To me it doesn't look much like a badge an authorized law enforcement official would carry. If you want one that looks more authentic there's any number of places you can get one.
I have not heard of a complaint from a law enforcement agency.
Dave K1ZZ
I think the issue is a more subtle one with the League's ethics and standards in question. I personally believe that to have such things available elsewhere is no big deal, but to have the League carry such ads in QST crosses the line. Are we so hungry for ad revenue that we don't follow our own policies? In this case, there should never be a complaint we should have to respond to. We should proactively pull the ad.
73, Gary