I received this notice today about Dick Ehrhorn W4EA/W4ETO part of Alpha Amps fame.


Bill Lippert AC0W


From: MWA <mwa-bounces@w0aa.org> On Behalf Of Mark Seyffer
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 7:38 AM
To: mwa@w0aa.org
Subject: [MWA] Richard Ehrhorn W4EA/W4ETO Silent Key


Mary Bittner called yesterday and said that Dick Ehrhorn W4EA/W4ETO became a silent key. Mary heard from Dick’s wife Marilyn. Paul W0AIH met Dick then W0FID at the Rochester Amateur Radio club and became lifelong friends.  

Dick started ETO and ALPHA HF amplifier line in 1970. Paul and I put up a tower and Hygain log periodic antenna next to the ETO facility in Cannon City, CO in the mid 80’s. ETO was making the Alpha 86 at the time and working on the design of the new Alpha 87 amplifier.  

Dick wrote his bio at: https://www.qrz.com/db/W4EA 

Mark KB9S